Thom's blog
Time to Trigger the Nuclear Option
Thom's blog
The Saturday Report
 The best of the rest of the news this week. — President Biden fired the Trump holdovers at the head of Social Security and Medicare whose singular focus had been to destroy both those programs. Seriously: this is not hyperbole. That's why Trump had put them there. As the White House itself said yesterday: "Since taking office, Commissioner Saul has undermined and politicized Social Security disability benefits, terminated the agency's telework policy that was utilized by up to 25 percent of the agency's workforce, not repaired SSA's relationships with relevant Federal employee unions including in the context of COVID-19 workplace safety planning, reduced due process protections for benefits appeals hearings, and taken other actions that run contrary to the mission of the agency and the President's policy agenda." Andrew Saul, Trump's head of Social Security, said he was going to refuse to leave after being requested to resign and would show up for work on Monday, but Biden then doubled-down and officially fired him. Good riddance to these GOP mega-donors and welcome back to two of the most successful government programs in American history. Read more at -Thom
Monday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Do you really think if you can cause enough people to get sick and die that you'll be able to take the economy into another recession and hurt the Democrats in the 2022 and 2024 election?- Sean Themea, Chief of Staff - Young Americans For Liberty (YAL) 
Site: TheRighting (Top News Headlines from the Far Right for the Rest of Us).
Tweet: " Saul said in an interview Friday afternoon that he would not leave his post, challenging the legality of the White House move to oust him. "I consider myself the term-protected Commissioner of Social Security."" by Matea Gold.
Time to Trigger the Nuclear Option
Hour Three: How Can We Stop Climate Change From Wiping Out Humanity?
Tweet: " Firenados in northern California. Ocean fires in the Gulf of Mexico. Subway waterfalls in New York City. A heat dome in the Northwest melting power cables, killing hundreds and frying marine animals. I have been told that combatting climate change is expensive. Compared to what?" by Bernie Sanders.
Tweet: " Boebert: We're here to tell government we don't want your benefits. We don't want your welfare… [video]" by Acyn.
Quote: " When FDR was about to assume office in 1933, it was said to him, you know, if your new deal works, you'll be the greatest president in history. If it fails you'll be the worst president in history. He said, no, I'll be the last president in history." - Doris Kearns Goodwin.
Quote: " A number of my friends who belong in these very high upper brackets have suggested to me, more in sorrow than in anger, that if I am reelected they will have to move to some other Nation because of high taxes here. I shall miss them very much." - Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Address at Worcester, Mass.," October 21, 1936.
Article: " Juneteenth" (June 19, 1865) by Wikipedia.
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This GOPer Says Vaccines are Wasteful & Orwellian (w/Sean Themea)
Fired Trump Appointee Andrew Saul Won't Go Away (w/ Alex Lawson)
Did Reaganism kill Christianity?
America's Deferred Maintenance is Like the Falling Condo
Why Can't America Have "Nice Things"?
What Happens When the GOP Flips an Election?