Thom's blog
Can You Name One Successful Libertarian Country?
 The poison of libertarian ideology in the GOP has been gutting America since Reagan. It's in the category of "failed ideas" like the USSR's version of communism or Hitler's fascism. Libertarian ideology has been gutting America's middle class and working people ever since it seized the GOP with the Reagan Revolution. Most of the rightwing billionaires who fund the GOP call themselves "libertarians" — people who think the only legitimate functions of government are the military, the police and the courts (which they are paying to pack). Many libertarians (and objectivists) will tell you straight-up that "democracy is mob rule" and rant about "the tyranny of the majority." Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
History Exposes We Can Rescue America from Trumpism
 America turned away from authoritarianism in 1800 & became a more democratic republic. Now, again, we have a similarly huge job ahead of us as Trumpism spreads like a virus. It's a holiday weekend, so let's take a short look back in American history and see how it may inform us today. Donald Trump was the second authoritarian American president; the first was America's first "conservative" president, one-term Federalist John Adams, who followed George Washington in the election of 1796 and was replaced by Jefferson in the election of 1800. We almost lost our democracy because of Adams' ego and unwillingness to accept criticism. Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
Is It Too Late For Democracy?
 Republicans are playing with a fire that could burn down our nation & Democrats must get control of the Senate now and nuke the filibuster so they can pass the laws that will protect our democracy. Republicans in the US Senate just filibustered a January 6th bipartisan commission, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer failed to take the opportunity to call for a vote on a rules change in the Senate to end the filibuster. That's a disaster. Read more at -Thom
Tuesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Can You Name One Successful Libertarian Country?
What's It Going to Take For Americans To Abandon the Macho Fantasy of a good Guy with a Gun?
When is America Going to Realize that Trump Buddies Are Still Working to Destroy America?
Quote: " Taxes, after all, are dues that we pay for the privileges of membership in an organized society" - Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Hour Three: Is the GOP Insanity Being Driven by Trump or 40 Years of Madness?
Wednesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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Thinking "It Can't Happen Here" Is Dangerous to Freedom
Can America Rise Above Racism & Embrace a Higher Vision of a Common Humanity?
Why Insurrectionists Won't Cut Plea Deals
Surprised? Trumpers Are Vainglorious Just Like Trump
Will the Next Phase of Pandemic Be Spread by Ideology?
Thom Crushes GOPer on Family Leave (w/ Carrie Lukas)
The Shocking Truth - Why GOPers Want More Poverty & Crime