Thom's blog
Democrats: Defy Trust-fund Baby Tucker Carlson & the GOP
 How do you fight white supremacist "conservatives" who are willing to use racism, lies and threats of violence to reach their goals? Swanson Foods-fortune heir and trustfund-baby Tucker Carlson, who says he spent his college years " mostly drunk," is attacking Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley for saying that the military should understand the true history — including the racial history — of the country they’re willing to die to defend. Milley, who holds a Masters Degree in International Relations (one of his two MAs) from Columbia University and has served his country for almost 40 years, is, Carlson said on his Fox "News" program, "not just a pig — he's stupid." Milley is saying white people should understand America’s history of racism, and his boss, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, is Black. You can draw a straight line from those realities to conservative media’s newfound hatred for our military. Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
The Saturday Report
 The best of the rest of the news this week. The most under-reported big story of the week is a blockbuster in The New York Times about how Eric Prince and other wealthy rightwingers paid infiltrators to sabotage the Democratic Party in Wyoming and the region. Nobody knows how many other states’ Democratic parties have been similarly infiltrated or what other sabatoge efforts are underway as the GOP moves closer and closer to becoming a full-blown fascistic party. NY Times: They Seemed Like Democratic Activists. They Were Secretly Conservative Spies. "Operatives infiltrated progressive groups across the West to try to manipulate politics and reshape the national electoral map. They targeted moderate Republicans, too — anyone seen as threats to hard-line conservatives." Read more at -Thom
Monday's Daily Stack ![Daily Stack]()
Hour One: Media: Why Are We Watching Disaster Porn Instead of Hearing About Climate Change?
Democrats: Defy Trust-Fund Baby Tucker Carlson & the GOP
Hour Three: Has Trump Organized Anger & Rage? Is It a Trump Shared Psychotic Disorder?- Psychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank MD, Psychoanalyst & Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - George Washington University / Author - Trump on the Couch (Previous books include Bush on the Couch & Obama on the Couch) @JustinFrankMD
Tweet: " I own a plug-in Prius hybrid that I've frequently praised on the air to our audience of 7 million; it's the last car I'm buying from @Toyota . Any company that supports people trying to overthrow our republic is a company that has lost my support..." by Thom Hartmann.
Article: " UVC" by Wikipedia.
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Watch & Listen to Thom
How Do You Fight White Supremacist "Conservatives?"
Has Trump Organized Anger & Rage in America? (w/ Dr. Justin A. Frank)
The Hidden Secrets of the Union Busters Exposed (w/ Julia Rock)
Why Is QAnon & "Titanium Balls" Being Forced on Liz?
Trump Tried to Arrest SNL Crew?
Don't Negotiate With Terrible GOP: You Will Lose Every Time