Thom's blog
America's Cops are Having Their Harvey Weinstein Moment
 The casting couch is now largely a relic of the past. If we keep pushing hard, soon the same could be true of murderous and corrupt cops. Sometimes cultural change takes generations or even centuries; sometimes it happens in the seeming blink of the eye. America's bad cops — and their enablers — are having their Harvey Weinstein moment. Harvey was a big shot in Hollywood for decades when it was not uncommon for powerful men to help make women into stars in exchange for sex. It was so common that in a Cagney and Lacey TV show from the 1980s one of the characters openly asks the other if a particularly ditzy "movie star" character in that episode of the show "slept with the producer" to get the part. Read more at -Thom
Wednesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: America's Cops are Having Their Harvey Weinstein Moment
If Trump is actually indicted, how do you think that will play out? Will MAGAts be in the streets?
Why Merrick Garland is Protecting Bill Barr
Hour Three: Democrats Need to Stop Being the "Charlie Brown" To the Republican Lucy...
What Do the Republicans Have On Joe Manchin?
Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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Are Cops Having Their Harvey Weinstein Moment?
How Do We End White Supremacy & Begin Racial Harmony? (w/ Joe Madison)
Has America Learned After Murder, Lies & Protest? (w/ Kymone Freeman)