Thom's blog
The Ugly Truth: Republicans Want More Poverty & Crime
 And you can bet your bottom dollar they'll continue complaining about the crime that they've created, particularly in the election ads they'll start running next year. The Republican Party is running a huge scam right now, similar to the one they ran in 1992 when President George HW Bush was setting up phony cocaine busts across the street from the White House and running his infamous Willie Horton ad. Here's the essential formula:
- Increase levels of inequality in the country to the point where poverty and homelessness are a crisis.
- Do this with huge, trillion-dollar tax cuts for rich people so they get massively richer, while gutting social-safety-net programs and supports for working class people like unions.
- Poverty and homelessness increase which produces an increase in crime, and that freaks out middle-class people — the majority of voters.
- Then build your political identity and campaign around being "tough on crime" while completely ignoring the fact that the poverty you helped create is largely responsible for much of that crime.
- Blame the poverty-driven crime, instead, on "welfare" programs Democrats have put into place to try to soften the blow of the poverty caused by Republican policies.
- Get elected, create more poverty; rinse, wash and repeat.
Thursday's Daily Stack 
The Ugly Truth: Republicans Want More Poverty & Crime - And you can bet your bottom dollar they'll continue complaining about the crime that they've created, particularly in the election ads they'll start running next year
Article: " Crime" by The Equality Trust.
Quote: " Today, we are ending welfare as we know it" - Bill Clinton.
Quote: " The money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes that it would trickle down to the needy. Mr. Hoover didn't know that money trickled up. Give it to the people at the bottom and the people at the top will have it before night, anyhow. But it will at least have passed through the poor fellow's hands." - Will Rogers.
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The Economy Is In Trouble: Savers vs Spenders (w/ Prof. Richard Wolff)
Is a New Policing Possible? (w/ Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson)
If Trump is Indicted, Will MAGAs Be in the Streets?