Thom's blog
Is the "International Criminal Class" GOP Worth Saving?
 Instead of cleaning up their act, Republicans are embracing international crooks Liz Cheney is wrong. The GOP is now so deeply embedded with the international criminal class that it's not worth saving. For 40 years the GOP has been a peripheral but important part of the international criminal class; Donald Trump pushed the Party fully into its embrace while trying to drag the entire country with him. Now that Liz Cheney's rebellion has spilled it all out in the open, and their lies, deceptions and criminality are irrefutable, some people, particularly in the media, seem shocked. They shouldn't be. Read more at -Thom
Thursday's Daily Stack 
Is the "International Criminal Class" GOP Worth Saving? Instead of cleaning up their act, Republicans are embracing international crooks...
Tweet: " First it was Kamala is "really in charge." Then it was Biden is the "third term of Obama." Now it's Susan Rice, a Black woman, in "control." Why do these white conservatives keep freaking out about Black people being in power or close to power? Oh, yeah. They're racists." by Thom Hartmann.
Article: " Sumer" by Wikipedia.
Hour Three: New CDC Mask Rules For Vaccinated People, Breakthrough Cases, Variants...What It All Means...
Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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The GOP's Extraordinarily Economic Dark Plot (w/Prof Richard Wolff)
Are The Authoritarians Canceling Elections?
The Undercover Push to End Secret Political Spending (w/ Judd Legum)