Thom's blog
Will Barr Get Away With Covering Up Treason for HW Bush, Reagan & Now Trump?
 It appears Garland has unleashed the FBI and other investigators in ways that must be sending shockwaves through Mar-a-Lago and the ranks of former Trump officials. One can only hope… George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan were facing the possibility of treason charges. Who did they call? Bill Barr. That was in the '80s and early '90s, but now we discover the Bill Barr really, truly, definitely also lied to America about presidential treason this decade. Shocking. Read more at -Thom
Friday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Anything Goes Friday!
Will Barr Get Away With Covering Up Treason for HW Bush, Reagan & Now Trump?
Why Can't America Be Honest About Close to 1 Million Deaths from Covid?
Hour Two: Geeky Science - How one cup of leafy green vegetables per day could save your life
Article: " Plato" by Wikipedia.
Quote: " The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would steal them away" - Ronald Reagan.
Hour Three: Feds go after 4 former MN police officers - For the first time in 5 years the feds are again enforcing civil rights laws, and now including the police
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Is Biden DOJ Really Going After Killer Cops?
Republican Voter Suppression Has Metastasized (w/Ben Jealous)
Biden vs The Gig Economy? (w/Prof Richard Wolff)