Thom's blog
Is Tucker Carlson Inciting Racist Police & "Karens" to Harm Minorities?
 This latest stunt by Fox News and Tucker Carlson goes way beyond bad taste or a cruel prank. Its intention appears to be to terrify & harm the most powerless in our society. Bill O'Reilly spent months working to get Dr. George Tiller, calling him "Tiller the Baby Killer" 24 times on the air. His efforts finally succeeded when the abortion doctor was assassinated by a zealot in May of 2009. In terms of creating chaos, pain and human misery, Tucker Carlson appears to be following in O'Reilly's footsteps. Read more at -Thom
Wednesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Is Tucker Carlson Inciting Racist Police & "Karens" to Harm Minorities? This latest stunt by Fox News and Tucker Carlson goes way beyond bad taste or a cruel prank. Its intention appears to be to terrify & harm the most powerless in our society
Are the New Pro-Burger "Activists" Just Climate Deniers & Right-Wingers Set on Dividing America? Pro-Burger Crowd Goes After Food Magazine for Caring About the Environment
Are Right-Wingers Getting Closer to Re-Writing the Constitution?
Crazy Alert -The French are at it again - they are "boss-napping" - Workers at French Renault plant held bosses hostage for 12 hours in sale dispute
Article: " Woke" by Wikipedia.
Hour Three: Science revolution: Big Biz Tries To Kill the "Rights of Nature" - Tish O'Dell, CELDF Ohio Organizer OHCRN Board Member @MadionMom @CELDF
Tweet: " @Thom_Hartmann Capital gains tax rates (married) are 0% up to $80,800. 15% from 80,801 to 501,600. And 20% above $501,600." by Steve Eckert.
Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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Are Pro-Burger-ers Cloaked Right Wingers?
Ending "Slave Patrol" Policing in America?
Hidden Secret Behind AZ Ballot Counting
Miami School Joins GOP Death Cult and Bans Vaccinated Teachers