Thom's blog
New Red State Evil Plot: Going Authoritarian & Ditching Democracy
 Republicans in state after state are loading cannons as you're reading this, and the very concept of democracy is the target. Will their scheme be completed by 2024? Americans thought January 6 was the peak of the effort to end democracy in America and replace it with strongman authoritarian rule. But January 6 was merely the tip of the iceberg. And it's not just about Donald Trump. This "iceberg" monster that threatens to sink the United States is about ending democracy altogether here and replacing it with a wealthy, white aristocratic oligarchy. The less visible but largest part of that iceberg is in the states, and it's huge. Read more at -Thom
Thom's blog
It's Time To Blow Up the Maskhole's Sick and Twisted Plan
 For businesses wanting a competitive edge, a "let's all live" marketing strategy is the opportunity of the decade! Well, it's started. The United States has reached the point, in many parts of the country, where there are more vaccines available than there are people willing to take them. Most of this so-called "vaccine reluctance" is driven by pure politics. Donald Trump's visceral hatred of Joe Biden, who beat him like a drum in the last election, and the Republican party's commitment to raw power over anything that may help Americans, have brought us this crisis. Read more at -Thom
Monday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: New Red State Evil Plot: Going Authoritarian & Ditching Democracy - Republicans in state after state are loading cannons as you're reading this, and the very concept of democracy is the target. Will their scheme be completed by 2024?
Article: " QAnon" by Wikipedia.
Hour Two: It's Time To Blow Up the Maskholes' Sick and Twisted Plan - For businesses wanting a competitive edge, a "let's all live" marketing strategy is the opportunity of the decade!
Quote: " In every adult there lurks a child— an eternal child, something that is always becoming, is never completed, and calls for unceasing care, attention, and education. That is the part of the personality which wants to develop and become whole" - Carl Jung.
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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Trauma Recovery From Pandemic? (w/Justin Frank)
GOP Greed: The Dying of America (w/ Dean Obeidallah)
What's in the George Floyd Legislation? (w/Rep. Mark Pocan)
The Real Court-Packing Debate Disclosed (Thom vs John Vecchione)
Is the GOP the #1 Danger On Earth?