Thom's blog
Why Is America Not Holding the COVID Hitman Accountable?
 Greg Abbot thinks he can get away with murder because Trump did — At least so far… Normally when over a half-million people die from something entirely preventable somebody is held accountable. So far, that hasn't happened in the United States. Read more here. -Thom
Thom's blog
GOP Uses Dr. Seuss To Distract From Their Embrace of Gangster Capitalism
 Cranking up the culture wars won't stop the destruction of our democracy…but it might win elections So, while the Senate was debating Joe Manchin's proposal to cut back unemployment benefits to Americans whacked by the coronavirus, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was reading Dr. Seuss out loud. Read more here. -Thom
Monday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Why Is America Not Holding the COVID Hitman Accountable? Greg Abbot thinks he can get away with murder because Trump did — At least so far…
The Far Right Wing Continues the Culture War With Meghan Markel
Hour Two: Fox News' Dr. Seuss obsession reveals the dishonest desperation of the right-wing war on "cancel culture"- Parker Molloy, Editor-at-Large - Media Matters ![Twitter]()
Hour Three: Is NY Politics Setting Up For a Trump Pardon? (Think: Roger Stone & Eliot Spitzer...)
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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International Aid Scheme Used Against Americans?
What's Fiscally Responsible About War?
Amazon Accidentally Proved Minimum Wage Impact!
Eat Pizza in GA and You Will Go to Jail (w/ Greg Palast)