
coolflowers's picture
coolflowers 4 years 12 weeks ago

Well I finally followed Thom's advice and got active with the WA State Democratic Party. I phone banked today! I was fascinated by the anger many people are regarding politics! There was this one angry republican who I was supposed to politely end the call, but I was curious what his beef was and asked him what issue he cared about: Environment, Healthcare, Civil Rights, ... Guess what I got? Hatred of Democrats. I tried to get him to name an issue and all he was about was hatred. I wish I had more time with this fellow to find out where his hate came from. He was empty of anything of substance. Only hatred. The angry Democrats on the other hand had alot to say about issues. Mainly worry for healthcare. I will phone bank again, but it is tough being a mom of a disabled kid. Best

SueN's picture
SueN 4 years 12 weeks ago

Good for you!

So sad that there is so much hate these days.

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