Thursday's Daily Stack 
In for Thom today
- Jefferson Smith, host/owner progressive radio XRAY-FM, Portland, OR
Hour One: It's Thank you Thursday...What Or Who Are You Thankful For?
Quote: " I'm aware that there are people in my party and in my own state who will strenuously disapprove of my decision and in some quarters I will be vehemently denounced. I'm sure to hear abuse from the President and his supporters. Does anyone seriously believe that I would consent to these consequences other than from an inescapable conviction that my oath before God demanded it of me?" - Mitt Romney.
Hour Two: How Change Trickles UP...- Emily Cherniack, Founder & Executive Director - New Politics 
What Is (STILL) Going On In Iowa?!- Lee Fang, Investigative Journalist - The Intercept 
Tweet: " Three different sources say a firm called "Shadow" developed the Iowa Dem caucus app. They haven't responded to comment, neither has Iowa Dem Party. The firm was paid by both Nevada & Iowa Democratic Party, disclosures show. Also by Mayor Pete's campaign." by Lee Fang.
Hour Three: Broken System Acquits Trump - , Huffington Post- Paul Blumenthal, Huffington Post / formerly w/the Sunlight Foundation 
Quote: " you also had people that were very fine people on both sides" - Donald Trump.
Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
In for Thom this week, please welcome Jefferson Smith, host/owner progressive radio XRAY-FM, Portland, OR
It's Anything Goes Friday!
And, the best of the rest of the news along with your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program, Occupying The Media 3 hours a day 5 days a week for "we the people"
And don't forget...Democracy is NOT a spectator begins with you...
Watch & Listen to Thom
Does Mitt Romney Deserve Our Thanks?
Unraveling Iowa's Caucus (guest host Jefferson Smith w/ John Nichols)
The Well Funded Movement to Stop Democracy (guest host Jefferson Smith)
Rush Limbaugh Dirties Presidential Medal Of Freedom (guest host Jefferson Smith)
On the Road Again
"The War on Voting: Who Stole Your Vote--and How To Get it Back" - Book Tour Is Coming...
Fri, Feb 28, 7:30pm PT: Powell's, 1005 W Burnside St., Portland.