By Thom Hartmann A...

This year the US military is asking for $738 billion. Compare that with the Department of Defense's budget for the year 2000: $384 billion. By building weapons manufacturing facilities in every congressional district in America, the defense industry, what President Eisenhower referred to as the "Military Industrial Complex,"has become a giant parasite attached to the American taxpayer.
While Donald Trump is preparing to throw over 3 million people off food stamps because we "can't afford" the less than $1 billion it costs to feed people in America. When it comes to things that help people, Republicans always scream, "How are we going to pay for it?" But when it comes to the Pentagon's budget, this year they are poised to give it even more money than it's asking for. Dwight Eisenhower's warning has come true, and it's time for American politicians to do something about it.