By Thom Hartmann A...

In Wisconsin they want to remove over 200,000 people from the voting rolls, disproportionately in the cities of Madison and Milwaukee, while in Georgia hundreds of polling places have been closed in black neighborhoods and towns and governor Brian Kemp is stripping 300,000 people of their right to vote. Republicans were able to get away with this because there is no explicit right to vote in the Constitution, which is why the Supreme Court was able to hand the election of 2000 to George W. Bush, and then last year ruled that it was okay for Republicans in Ohio to do this.
Americans should be outraged at this assault on a fundamental liberty that our soldiers have fought and died for repeatedly since the Revolutionary War. A democratic republic cannot function when large chunks of its population are not allowed to participate in selecting their representatives. The Democratic Party needs to express outrage loud and frequently over this, and help put an end to the practice of caging and purging voters.