By Thom Hartmann A...

When Trump ran for president, he promised to replace Obamacare policies with insurance that was better and cheaper. Ignoring the "better" part, and focusing on "cheaper," the Trump administration has allowed short term (maximum 90 days) "emergency" policies to extend out to three years. These "emergency" policies do not cover pre-existing conditions and allow insurance companies to dump you if you become too expensive. They were the only loophole left in Obamacare, and Trump has taking that loophole and turned it into an industry.
So now, people looking for cheap health insurance policies are being directed to these scam plans both by the Centers for Medicare Services and by insurance hustlers. As a result, people are now getting sick and discovering that their health insurance policies don't cover them.
Trump's latest scam is literally killing people. If you buy what you think is an Obamacare policy during these final few weeks of open enrollment, make sure it actually is.