By Thom Hartmann A...
The current issue of the Atlantic magazine - itself founded in the years just before the Civil War - is ominously titled, "How to Stop a Civil War."
If we are, indeed, on the brink of a second Civil War, it's already being waged as a "cold war," with the occasional armed skirmish being provoked by the so-called alt-right movement. And, as in the past, this will be a war by the very, very rich against the rest of America.
This is not the first time we've faced such a crisis as a nation.
Read more here.
If we are, indeed, on the brink of a second Civil War, it's already being waged as a "cold war," with the occasional armed skirmish being provoked by the so-called alt-right movement. And, as in the past, this will be a war by the very, very rich against the rest of America.
This is not the first time we've faced such a crisis as a nation.
Read more here.