America: Meet Your Overlord Rupert Murdoch...

Thom plus logo The main lesson that we've learned so far from the impeachment hearings is that if Richard Nixon had had a billionaire like Rupert Murdoch with a television network like Fox News behind him, he never would've resigned and America would have continued to be presided over by a criminal. Donald Trump spends almost every morning and every evening live tweeting Fox News, and if that network truly is his principal source of news and information and he is ignoring his own intelligence services, as has been reported on multiple occasions and is apparent from his Twitter feed, then Rupert Murdoch is running this country and we are in a serious crisis.

Add to that the fact that many of the Republican legislators also seem to be living inside the Fox News bubble and believing the Fox News propaganda, and we have a genuine crisis of governance that goes way beyond the White House.


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