Why Do The Wealthy Want to Throw Children Off Food Stamps & Medicaid?

Thom plus logo The Global Wealth Report tells us that the worlds millionaires, composing less than 1% of the worlds population, own more than half the worlds wealth. Meanwhile, The New York Times is reporting that efforts by American billionaires like Charles Koch and millionaires within the Republican Party have changed the rules since Donald Trump came to office so that, in those 2 1/2 years, over 1 million US children have lost their health coverage.Koch and his billionaire buddies talk about how we must end food stamps and Medicaid to guide people toward the "redemptive power of work," suggesting that people will only go to work if they are threatened with hunger or severe illness that they can't pay to cure.

But these guys, who have enough to stop working today and live in luxury for the rest of their lives, continue to show up at work every day, giving the lie to The core and principal argument of their entire philosophy.. So, if there is no truth to the rationalization, why are they so enthusiastic about throwing children off food stamps and Medicaid? Is it so there will be more money left over for them and they can get more tax cuts? Or is it that they hate poor people or think there are too many of them? Or is it a form of mental illness like hoarding syndrome, only, in their case, directed toward money rather than newspapers and tin cans?


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