Who Has Helped Trump to Turn America Into a Strongman Banana Republic?

Thom plus logo The biggest and most destructive legacy of the Trump administration isn't just destruction of the environment, children in cages, or damaging the economy through a helter-skelter trade war. The biggest legacy, the one that is most likely to damage American democracy for generations, is the normalization of corruption. And that is only possible because people within our government are willing to enable or ignore Donald Trump's corruption. From him and his son-in-law taking hundreds of millions of dollars from Middle Eastern sources, to forcing the military to give money to his properties, to putting lobbyists in charge of virtually everything in Washington DC, The greatest danger to our republic is how Donald Trump has normalized corruption.

If he - and, in particular, the toadies inside government will go along with him - are not held accountable, future administrations will think that this is normal and acceptable. Whether done from the right or the left, that will end the rule of law as it comes to American politics, and turn America into a strongman banana republic.


ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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