Thom's blog
GM Shows Why We Need Medicare for All
 General Motors just pulled healthcare for 50,000 workers. There are some Democratic candidates suggesting that people love their health insurance companies, but this calculated move by a giant corporation that you and I helped bail out proves that employer sponsored healthcare is just another tool to control workers. If we had Medicare for all, General Motors would not have been able to use the life and death issue of having access to healthcare as a club to beat up the union. We need Medicare for All now! -Thom
Wednesday's Daily Stack 
Article: " Constitution of the United States" Article 1 section 8 (Powers of Congress). " The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States... To establish Post Offices and post Roads;"
Tweet: " PATHETIC that Lewandowski and Republicans are continuing @realDonaldTrump's cover up. I just called for him to be held in contempt." by David Cicilline.
Hour Two: GM Shows Why We Need Medicare For All...
Tweet: " This also shows how important it is to get Medicare For All so employers can no longer use healthcare as a club to bludgeon their employees." by Thom Hartmann.
Tweet: " NEW: GM is cutting off striking workers' health care coverage effective today. The UAW will now pick up the bill for their members' continued healthcare through COBRA. This development shows just how costly this strike will be to both sides." by Vanessa Yurkevich.
Does the Electoral College Ensure Another Trump Win?
Tweet: " A Personal Note: On September 11, 2019 at 4:52 pm my wife of 15 years, Maryse Beliveau-Nance passed away from complications of Ovarian cancer. She was a brilliant landscape architect, devoted mother, fierce patriot, a proud Navy wife and the one great great love of my life." by Malcolm Nance.
Hour Three: What Are the Solutions to Homelessness That Actually Work?- Rob Strasberg (Co-CEO) & Treger Strasberg (Co-CEO & Founder), Humble Design / Co-Hosts, "Welcome Home" Saturday mornings on the CW network 
Border Crisis... How Much Psychological Damage is Being Done to the Children Separated From Their Parents?
Site: Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting
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Exposing Saudi Arabia's Role in Yemen Conflict
LGBT School Board Candidate Karl Frisch Fights For Fairfax County
Is the United States Ready to Erupt? (w/ Dr. Seth Moran)
Did The Banks Just Tell Us A Massive Crash is Coming? w/Richard Wolff