Thom's blog
If Democrats want to beat Trump, they better not nominate a ‘free trade' candidate
"[Americans'] patriotism would certainly prefer its [tariffs'] continuance and application to the great purposes of the public education, roads, rivers, canals, and such other objects of public improvement as it may be thought proper to add to the constitutional enumeration of federal powers." - President Thomas Jefferson, 1806 State of the Union message to CongressHow could Democrats guarantee a second Trump term? Come out in favor of so-called "free trade." When Walter Mondale was nominated by the Democratic Party to take on Ronald Reagan in 1984, he uttered, in his acceptance speech, a single line that did more than anything else that year to lose him the election. He said, "Mr. Reagan will raise taxes and so will I. He won't tell you. I just did." Read more here. -Thom
Thom's blog
Our President Is A Crook & A Psychopath - When Will We Impeach Him?
 The only reason Donald Trump isn't facing a prosecutor and time in prison right now is because back in 1973 Richard Nixon's Department of Justice said that they could not indict Nixon because the job of being president was so important. There's nothing in the constitution about that whatsoever; It's just the opinion of some lawyers who worked for Nixon. Now Donald Trump has committed multiple crimes, and Mueller is explaining over and over again that he can't prosecute him because of what Nixon's employees said. When will Democrats start saying, "The president is a crook. He's only in the White House because Russia helped him get there, And all patriotic Americans should reject him. And he needs to go to jail." Imagine how Republicans would message this if it was all about another country helping Barack Obama become president. It would be simple, straightforward, and blunt. Our president is a criminal and a psychopath. He has been for most of his life. And to save our republic, Democrats need to do everything they can to remove him from office. -Thom
Thursday's Daily Stack 
Event: Thu, Jun 6: NEW YORK, NY 7:30pm - The Strand (2nd floor), 828 Broadway. Thom's The Hidden History of Guns and the 2nd Amendment Book Tour.
Event: Mon, Jun 10: WASHINGTON, DC 6:30pm - Busboys and Poets 450 K St NW. Thom's The Hidden History of Guns and the 2nd Amendment Book Tour.
Event: Wed, Jun 12: PORTLAND, OR 7:30pm - Powell's, 1005 W Burnside St. Thom's The Hidden History of Guns and the 2nd Amendment Book Tour.
Event: Sun, Jun 23: SEATTLE, WA 7:30pm - Town Hall, 1119 8th Ave (West Entrance) w/ Elliott Bay Book Company. Thom's The Hidden History of Guns and the 2nd Amendment Book Tour.
Event: Tue, Jun 25: SAN FRANCISCO, CA 7:00pm - First Church, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley w/ The Booksmith. Thom's The Hidden History of Guns and the 2nd Amendment Book Tour.
Event: Fri, Jun 28: CHICAGO, IL 7:00pm - Frugal Muse, 7511 Lemont Rd. #146 (Chestnut Court Shopping Center), Darien. Thom's The Hidden History of Guns and the 2nd Amendment Book Tour.
Event: Sat, Jun 29: MINNEAPOLIS, MN 7:00pm - Common Good Books, 38 S. Snelling Ave, St. Paul. Thom's The Hidden History of Guns and the 2nd Amendment Book Tour.
Event: Fri, July 12: PHILADELPHIA, PA 4:15pm - Netroots Nation, PA Convention Center, 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA. Thom's The Hidden History of Guns and the 2nd Amendment Book Tour.
Our President Is A Crook and a Psychopath - When Will We Impeach Him?
Quote: " If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime." - Robert S. Mueller III.
Quote: " And beyond department policy, we were guided by principles of fairness. It would be unfair to potentially — it would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge." - Robert S. Mueller III.
Quote: " The opinion says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing." - Robert S. Mueller III.
Quote: " A special counsel's office is part of the Department of Justice, and by regulation, it was bound by that department policy. Charging the president with a crime was therefore not an option we could consider." - Robert S. Mueller III.
Quote: " On October 7 2016, four days after the Assange press conference, the Washington Post published an Access Hollywood video that captured comments by candidate Trump some years earlier and that was expected to adversely affect the Campaign. Less than an hour after the video's publication, WikiLeaks released the first set of emails stolen by the GRU from the account of Clinton Campaign chairman John Podesta." - Mueller Report.
The Plot Thickens: Gerrymandering + Census Citizenship Question = a Win for GOP & 'Whites Only' Voters- Bob Phillips, Executive Director - Common Cause North Carolina 
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Watch & Listen to Thom
Did Bill Barr Cover Up JFK Assassination Files? (w/ Lamar Waldron)
Are Eight Billion People Are Destroying the Climate? (w/Suzanne York)
The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination (w/ Lamar Waldron)
Will Climate Change Crisis End Civilization? (w/ Dahr Jamail)
Mueller Investigation Report, Part 15 : Password was PutinTrump
Is Trump Trying to Kill a Russian Spy?
European Elections 2019: Will Greens Unite Europe? (w/ Cole Stangler)
Republicans are Ignoring Climate Change for Money!
On the Road Again
The Hidden History of Guns and the 2nd Amendment Book Tour Is Coming...
Thu, Jun 6: NEW YORK, NY 7:30pm - The Strand (2nd floor), 828 Broadway.
Wed, Jun 12: PORTLAND, OR 7:30pm - Powell's, 1005 W Burnside St.
Tue, Jun 25: SAN FRANCISCO, CA 7:00pm - First Church, 2345 Channing Way, Berkeley w/ The Booksmith.
Fri, Jun 28: CHICAGO, IL 7:00pm - Frugal Muse, 7511 Lemont Rd. #146 (Chestnut Court Shopping Center), Darien.
Sat, Jun 29: MINNEAPOLIS, MN 7:00pm - Common Good Books, 38 S. Snelling Ave, St. Paul.