Time to Start the Impeachment Process

Thom plus logo Some Democrats are afraid of impeachment because after he was impeached Bill Clinton was more popular than before. But that's because throughout the impeachment process we learned that Bill Clinton had not committed any of the multiple crimes the Republicans had first talked about; the only thing he was guilty of was having an affair and lying to cover it up. About half of American married people have done the same; that's a tough one to sell to people as a reason to remove a president.

But an impeachment hearing against Trump will reveal the whole spectrum of actual crimes, and when the American people learn the details, they will support an impeachment effort.

Begin the investigation!



Nomastrump's picture
Nomastrump 5 years 10 weeks ago

As a life-long Democrat... it is quite puzzling to hear Pelois et al stand against impeachmnet proceedings... thus I offeer this plausible explanation why Congressional democratic leadership resits impeachment and attempts to "sell" thier opposition on the loosley stated defense of not important as other legislative initiatives underway. For Pelosi and other Democrats to not want to impeach him (for the sake of credibility) they appear to fear being exposed in some way (probably would result in their big-money backers abandoning them) and so they are dedicated to covering thier own political fortunes as a driving force. Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Steny Hoyer.... all been in offcie 20+ years and plausible they have.. like Republicans...pecuniary relationships with wealthy donors that want Trump's corruptions to remain obscure... out of public view. Impeachment could bring on a wave of support for donation changes that would take away thier power so teh big money financiers are calling shots for both parties. Trump family should be indicted also. Spein out... collateral damage.. could be exposure of McConnell... Graham and others who have received Russian-backed contributions that financed thier campaigns. The power structure in Washington would be/is being in jeopardy. A lot of corruption exposed in both parties could result from opneing the "can of worms" impeachment process openes. Thus Nancy Pelosi & senior tenured Democrats are holding firm on covering thier own financial futures by not supporting impeachment.... impeachment will air a lot of dirty laundry for Congressional Governance for both parties. Impeachment could be that one major event that will close that huge "Brothel" we call Congress. So resisting impeachement is the usual CYA program for lected officials which systemically are "owned" by thier "pimps" IE wealthy donors. Washington is ran as a "free enterprise" for the wealthy that make investmnents in both parties to actually run America... the marketing collateral used to get elected to office--the notion of patriotism... is secondary to exercising power over this nation via big money. Elected officials for a long-long time operated as self-interested "prostitutes" for their "pimps" not dedciated to the interests of the electorate. Adam Smith would be proud of their disregard for supporting the "consumer sovereignty" of the voters.

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