A Knife in the Heart of Democracy - Billions$ in Dark Money

A Knife in the Heart of Democracy - Billions$ in Dark Money
Thom plus logo Every time some wimpy politician or self-appointed media pundit says we "can't pay for" Medicare for All or free college or better wages, know that the reason is simple - billions of dollars in dark, untraceable cash being poured from billionaires into the pockets of politicians and media figures. The Supreme Court overturned laws against this legalized corruption back in 1976, leading us straight to the swamp of the Reagan Revolution, taking control of America away from voters and putting it into the hands of lobbyists, big corporations, and multimillionaire politicians like Mitch McConnell.

The Federal Election Commission reports that over a billion dollars moved from secretive billionaire and corporate hands into our political bloodstream just since 2016; expect far more next year. This is why corporations get deregulation so they can increase pollution and rip-off loans, while suicide and drug addiction rates are exploding among working people, particularly in Red States, who're losing access to health care and know their kids' futures are screwed. From crumbling roads and bridges to failing schools to poisoned water supplies to explosions of cancer and chronic disease, it all goes back to the evil of dark money flowing through the veins of our political system.


ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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