Your support of the program is invaluable. Producing the Thom Hartmann Program is a labor of love for the team, but doesn't come without cost. We supply the program to non-profit, community and volunteer radio and cable stations across the US. However, this isn't cost free and being a supporter through Patreon means you can help us to meet some of the bills, to allow us to continue free supply to the non-profit sector. As a way of saying thank you, we would like to give you something back for your support at various levels.
Every weekday, the live Thom Hartmann Program three hour program is recorded exclusively for Patreon supporters. Unedited, the full three hour video will be right here on the Patreon page, within a couple of hours of the end of the live program. And we're also providing extra videos not seen anywhere else. Can you take the time now to support this show?
Wednesday's Daily Stack 
Article: " PAYGO" by Wikipedia.
Hour Two: Brazenness Is a Leadership Quality Shared by Many Great Presidents: Trump Scores High On Brazenness: The Problem Is Trump Doesn't Have the Rest of the tool Kit That Other Presidents Had, Including Morality, Intelligence, Introspection, Empathy, and Foresight.
Hour Three: "Trump just launched his 2020 re-election campaign with, essentially, the same speech he used at Trump Tower in 2015, when he first ranted about Mexican rapists and murderers. And the media paid for it." #Suckers
Quote: " It’s very possible that I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it." - Donald Trump.
Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
And, the best of the rest of the news along with your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program, Occupying The Media 3 hours a day 5 days a week" for "we the people"
And don't forget...Democracy is NOT a spectator sport...it begins with you...
Watch & Listen to Thom
How Democrats Can Organize Against Trump & his Wall (w/Tom Perez)
Trump's Wall Isn't About National Security it is About White Supremacy (2019)
Why The Networks Should NOT Turn the Airwaves over to Trump (w/ Matt Gertz)
Will Trump Declare National Emergency For Border Wall? (2019)
Libertarian Takes on Democratic Socialist on Taxes and Loses. Again (2019)
Donald Trump is Playing the Media and the American People (2019)