Wednesday's Daily Stack 
Article: " 25th Amendment Section 4" " Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President..."
Hour Two: Will the Covington Kids Get Away It... Like White People Have Been Doing Forever?
Hour Three: Are MAGA Hats the New Klan Hoods?
Article: " Bigot" by Merriam-Webster.
Article: " Racism" by Merriam-Webster.
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Every weekday, the live Thom Hartmann Program three hour program is recorded exclusively for Patreon supporters. Unedited, the full three hour video will be right here on the Patreon page, within a couple of hours of the end of the live program. And we're also providing extra videos not seen anywhere else like our new one. Should Pharmaceutical Companies who Kill Their Patients Face Death Penalty? The law holds drug dealers responsible if the product they sell results in an overdose and death. Yet multinational corporations who profit in the billions off a product that is killing Americans at higher rates than traffic accidents and gun deaths are free to continue selling their products to vulnerable populations. Why is this? If you sign up on Patreon you'll get more than the podcast. Can you take time now to support this show?
Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
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The Thom Hartmann Program, Occupying The Media 3 hours a day 5 days a week" for "we the people"
And don't forget...Democracy is NOT a spectator begins with you...
Watch & Listen to Thom
Is Shutdown Ultimate Test of Whether Government is Necessary
Shutdown is Libertarian Dream & Nightmare for Democracy
Trump's Secret Strategy Behind Government Shutdown
How Inequality Can Be Changed to Your Advantage (w/ Kate Pickett)