The GOP's most successful scam is about to reboot itself

Get ready to see it on your TV. The GOP is about to kick back into Two Santa Clauses mode and restart the scam they've been running since Reagan.

It'll predictably begin in the first week or two of January, probably first on "Meet the Press" and other Sunday shows that feature "serious thinkers" and only rarely challenge Republicans. It'll simultaneously roll out on Fox, on right-wing hate radio, and in the conservative media.

And there are more than a few "Third Way" Democrats eager to go along with it.

At its core, the strategy is simple and elegant: When Republicans are in power, run up as much debt as possible, mostly by borrowing and giving that cash to the Republican donor class through tax cuts and corporate subsidies; when Democrats have political power, Republicans suddenly become hysterical about the debt and demand that Dems keep taxes low while cutting social spending.

If successful, not only will Republicans (and corporate-funded Dems) block any genuinely progressive spending legislation in 2019 or 2020, but they'll prevent any possibility of debt-free college, Medicare for All, or a Green New Deal in the entire next presidential term, clear through 2024 or beyond. Read more here.

ADHD: Hunter in a Farmer's World

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