The sales pitch that David Koch was running on in 1980 on the Libertarian ticket was that government is bad, corporations are good. You can trust corporations.
But the reality is that the government that we have, which perhaps millions of Americans have literally fought and died to create and protect - George Washington had three horses shot out from underneath him trying to create this government - should be of, by, and for we the people, to paraphrase Abraham Lincoln.
Corporations are never of, by, and for we the people, corporations are always of, by, and for the profit. And there's nothing wrong with that intrinsically unless it is absolutely unregulated, which is the direction that we've moving since Reagan stopped enforcing the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1983.
What the Koch brothers are basically saying is: the government is terrible, you can't trust yourself to govern yourself, so we will govern for you by controlling the economy. It's the economy is more important than democracy. The marketplace is more important than democracy.
That's BS. It is a lie that the billionaires have frankly and sadly got a lot of Americans to believe. And once you go down that road, if you get rid of our government and you replace it with a bunch of monopolistic corporations, then you have lost all your freedom.