One week before the election and four days after the FBI director revealed that his agency had come across a set of emails that may or may not be relevant to the Clinton email case, the race for the White House is suddenly, shockingly, close.
According to a new
Washington Post/ABC News national tracking poll, Donald Trump now leads Hillary Clinton by one point 46 to 45 percent, which for all intents and purposes is a tie.
That's not even the worst of it as far as Democrats a concerned.
same Washington Post/ABC News poll also showed that Trump voters are way more excited about their candidate than Clinton voters.
While 53 percent of likely Trump voters said they are "very enthusiastic" about Trump - just 43 of Clinton voters said the same about thing her.
This enthusiasm gap has grown significantly in the past week or so.
For now, at least, that ABC news poll is the only one that has Trump ahead or tied with Clinton at a national level, and aggregate polls still show the former Secretary of State with around a 5 point lead.
But things really are getting closer, especially in the swing states.
A new
Elon University poll, for example, now shows a virtual tie between Clinton and Trump in North Carolina.
A new
NBC News poll shows the same situation at play in Florida.
Obviously, Hillary Clinton still has a very good chance of winning this election, and these
tightening poll numbers might just be the result of hardening partisanship 7 days before the conclusion of the nastiest presidential election in recent history.
But if the conspiracy theories are true and James Comey was trying to sabotage Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign -- or at least keep the election close enough for Republicans to keep the Senate -- it looks like he may have succeeded.
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