Bill Clinton has done it again -- or has he?
Barely a month has gone by this election cycle without the former president and so-called "Explainer-in-Chief" running his mouth and causing a headache for his wife's presidential campaign.
He's lashed out at Black Lives Matter protesters, bashed Bernie Sanders supporters, and generally made a nuisance of himself by saying the wrong thing about the wrong policy at the wrong place and time.
The latest incident occurred on Monday at a rally in Michigan.
During a
discussion about healthcare reform, Bill appeared to call Obamacare "the craziest thing in the world."
Obviously, those comments sounded really, really bad, which is why Republicans have jumped on them to make the case for repealing Obamacare altogether and replacing it with whatever joke of a Heritage Foundation white paper they're passing off as healthcare reform now.
But here's the thing: as poorly worded as his remarks were, Clinton wasn't really bashing Obamacare as much as he was pointing out that it has some flaws that need to change.
That's abundantly clear if you watch
the full clip of what he said
In other words, Obamacare works well for a lot of people but will never totally fix the problem.
And why is that?
Easy -- it's because Obamacare, for all the good things it does, like do away with discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions, still keeps in place the for-profit health insurance system.
So in a way, Bill Clinton is right about Obamacare being crazy, just not in the way Republicans are saying.
He's right about Obamacare being crazy because the for-profit health insurance it relies upon (and arguably entrenches) is itself crazy.