In Washington State a fierce debate has erupted over a ballot measure aimed at fighting climate change. As the reality of runaway climate change continues to sink in, the question of what do about it gets even more pressing.
We are not just dealing with the possibility of a few hotter days there - or a few nastier thunderstorms there.
We are dealing with the possibility of Hurricane Andrew happening every year.
We are dealing with the possibility of permanent damage to the atmosphere.
We are dealing with the possibility of a mass extinction the likes of which we haven't seen in millions of years.
Which only makes it that much more important that we get this right - that we put in place the necessary regulations and laws before it's too late.
This is the major issue at stake right now in Washington State.
It all has to do with a ballot measure that Washington residents will vote on in just two weeks:
Initiative 732.
If passed - Initiative 732 - or I-732 - would create a $15 per ton tax on carbon - which would then be raised to $25 after one year.
To compensate for the costs this tax to working people, I-732 would create a 1 percent reduction in Washington's sales tax as well as a tax credit of $1,500 for some families on the lower end of the income scale.
Sounds pretty good - right?
James Hansen - one of the world's leading premier climate scientists thinks so, too -- which is why he's endorsed it.
But not everyone thinks Initiative 732 is such a great idea.
Many Washington Sate environmentalists actually oppose the measure and want to kill it on election.
Seriously - I'm not kidding.
Some environmentalists oppose a ballot measure that would put in place the first carbon tax in the nation.
So is this just a case of making the perfect the enemy of the good - or is there actually a good reason for people who care about stopping climate change to oppose Initiative 732?
(What do you think? Tell us