Thom's blog
Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta
Wednesday's debate was the first debate after a surprising loss for Hillary Clinton in Michigan, and the former Secretary of State was particularly critical of Sanders on the debate stage in Miami.
But many of the attacks she launched are either only partially true, or outright lies.
And if she keeps up this tactic of trying to smear Bernie's voting record to portray him as a friend of conservative causes, it's going to cost democrats the general election.
Back in January, Hillary claimed that Bernie Sanders voted for the Commodities Futures Modernization Act, or CFMA, and I wrote that it was the most disingenuous attack from Clinton yet.
That's because Bernie had voted against the CFMA originally, but bit the bullet and voted for the CFMA when it was shoved into an omnibus spending bill at the last minute and everybody in Congress except Ron Paul and three others voted for it.
She made that attack back before the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary, and the claim that Bernie voted for the CFMA and contributed to the financial crisis seemed to simply fade away.
Then, during the March 6th democratic debate in Flint Michigan, Hillary tried to cast Bernie as an enemy of the American auto-industry.
Except that Bernie Sanders strongly supported the auto bailout, what he opposed was the larger $700 billion bailout to prop up Wall Street and the Big Banks.
Politifact rated her claim as only "Half-True", and the Washington Post and the New York Times both published articles describing how Hillary is intentionally deceiving voters with this claim.
As Amber Phillips over at the Washington Post wrote after the debate in Flint, "It seems like she's willing to take the gamble that fact-checkers may call her out for her tactic Sunday, but that voters won't."
The Washington Post published that before Tuesday's Michigan primary, when Bernie won an historic upset over Hillary Clinton after the polls projected a 20-point loss for Sanders.
The Clinton campaign could have looked at that loss as evidence that she lost Michigan because voters were turned off by her deceitful portrayal of Bernie's voting record, but apparently that's not how her campaign interpreted the results.
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 10pm... Did Trudeau-Obama Just End Arctic Drilling? (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Be sure to check out our newest video: RESTORATION - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio & Thom Hartmann, directed by Leila Conners / Visit to check out all the videos: CARBON, LAST HOURS & GREEN WORLD RISING - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio & Thom Hartmann, directed by Leila Conners
Need to Know: Does a Bernie Economy Work Better Than A Hillary Economy? - Marshall Auerback, Levy Institute/Economists for Peace and Security 
Screwed: Why Both Liberals & Conservatives Are in Revolt on Trade - Richard Manning, Americans for Limited Government 
Best of the Rest: Doc's on Abortion...It's Personal - Dr. Anne Davis, Columbia University Medical Center (NYC)/Physicians for Reproductive Heath 
Green report: Did Trudeau-Obama Just End Arctic Drilling? - Manny Rapalo, RT Correspondent 
Daily Take: Dear Hillary...Fire Robby Mook & John Podesta
Thursday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Dear Hillary...Fire David Brock and John Podesta...
Hour Two: Will the Establishment Wake Up to Trade Rage?
Article: " 10th Amendment" " The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people".
Twitter: " #SuitGate" (includes an earlier UK suitgate).
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Will Hillary's misleading attacks on Bernie help her campaign?
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