Thom's blog
Citibank warns about the cost of climate inaction
Taking action on climate change is vital to the survival of our species, and it's essential to the economic future of our nation's banks. According to a new report from Citibank, failure to act on global warming will cost $44 trillion dollars more than investing in low-carbon energy solutions. To create that report, called “Energy Darwinism,” researchers analyzed the likely cost of energy in the coming decades and the cost of the “negative effects” of our changing climate. Rather than focusing on the state of our environment or the impact on our survival, the report focused solely on the financial aspects of global warming. Jason Channell, Global Head of Alternative Energy and Cleantech Research at Citibank, said, “What we're trying to do is to take an objective view at the economics of the situation and actually look at what the costs of not acting are, if the scientists are right.” He added, “There is a cost to not doing this, and although there is a cost to acting, what we're trying to do is to actually weigh up the different costs here.” It doesn't matter whether you believe that humans cause global warming. But it does matter that our planet is changing and we had better get busy figuring out how to cover the cost of surviving those changes. -Thom (What do you think? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 10pm... Shell's Arctic Drilling Disaster Plan... Why All the Secrecy? (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Be sure to check out our newest video: RESTORATION - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio & Thom Hartmann, directed by Leila Conners / Visit to check out all the videos: CARBON, LAST HOURS & GREEN WORLD RISING - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio & Thom Hartmann, directed by Leila Conners
Shell's Arctic Drilling Disaster Plan... Why All the Secrecy?- Richard Steiner, Marine Conservationist/ Oasis Earth
Daily Take: Republicans Want To Undermine the American Revolution
Thursday's Daily Stack
Hour One: Whitewashing History... Where Do You Draw the Line?- Steve Nelson, Calhoun School
Hour Two: What's Your Favorite Political 'Non-Apology' Apology?
Hour Three: What Role Do Workers Rights Play In the Sharing Economy?
Bible: " Titus 3:1-2 Saved in Order to Do Good". " Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone."
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Thom's Poll
Should the international community ban all Arctic drilling?
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Watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...
Full Show 9/9/15: Trump, Cruz, and Palin Rally for War with Iran
Guest host Ari Rabin-Havt is in for Thom Hartmann tonight and discusses the bizarre anti-Iran deal rally in DC with the Washington Strategy Group’s Joel Rubin and what Donald Trump’s feud with the Club for Growth revealed about money in politics with Common Cause’s Stephen Spaulding. Tonight’s Rumble talks Kim Davis’ release from prison, today’s planned parenthood hearing on Capitol Hill, and whether Boehner will remain Speaker of the House.
Thom's Journey Along the Prophet's Way...
Planned Parenthood: The Next Government Shutdown Target!
Windows 10...Spyware in Disguise?
Hillary Clinton Wants to Overturn Citizens United...
Teamsters: "Let's Get America Working!"
A Conversation with America's Political Prisoner, Don Siegelman...
Col. Wilkerson: Dick Cheney is an Idiot, Should be Jailed!