Thom's blog
Who Does Our Economy Serve?
During a speech at New York University Friday, Hillary Clinton took aim at “quarterly capitalism,” her name for corporate America’s endless - and senseless - pursuit of profits. Now, Clinton isn’t exactly Elizabeth Warren and sometimes it sounds like she’s reading a script written by an economics professor, but she’s spot-on when it comes to so-called “quarterly capitalism.” That’s because, to paraphrase Shakespeare, something is rotten in the state of American capitalism. Instead of using their record profits to invest in innovation or pay their workers more, America’s biggest companies are now using those profits just to buy back their own stock. As Edward Luce pointed out in a recent piece for The Financial Times,
“The level of US investment is at its lowest since 1947. Last year, according to Goldman Sachs, S&P 500 companies spent more than $500bn on share buybacks. This year it is expected to hit $600bn…. For every dollar the top US public companies spend on investment, they are returning eight or nine dollars to shareholders.”
This is the sign of an economy that’s gone insane.
Stock buybacks don’t grow the economy as a whole; they just make giant rich corporations - and their CEOS - even richer. They’re the perfect symbol of a system that puts profits before people, progress, and, well, pretty much everything else.
It’s hard to imagine given the state of American capitalism these days, but things weren’t always this way.
Between the 1930s and the 1980s, corporate America actually behaved - or was made to behave as a result of smart regulations - in ways that benefited everyone, not just their shareholders or CEOs. Back then, the saying “what’s good for GM is good for America and what’s good for America is good for GM” wasn’t just a saying - it was a statement of fact.
But then Reagan came to town and everything changed.
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 10pm... Net Neutrality...the GOP attacks continue (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Be sure to check out our newest video: RESTORATION - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio & Thom Hartmann, directed by Leila Conners / Visit to check out all the videos: CARBON, LAST HOURS & GREEN WORLD RISING - narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio & Thom Hartmann, directed by Leila Conners
Best of the Rest: Net Neutrality Is Under Assault Again- Tim Karr, Free Press 
Daily Take: What's the Difference Between Cancer and Donald Trump?
Tuesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: What's the Difference Between Cancer and Donald Trump?
Hour Two: Evidence and lawsuit about Kansas elections being hacked
Wednesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 12-3pm ET
Sam Sacks of the District Sentinel will be hear to talk about issues of the day.
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Thom's Poll
Will seniors leave the GOP over their views on Medicare?
Watch & Listen to Thom
GOP Shoving Granny Off the Cliff Again...
The Final Push Against the TPP
The GOP Plan To Privatize Medicare
The Good, The Bad & The Very, Very, Ancipitally Ugly!
Who Does Our Economy Serve?
Feds Monitoring Black Lives Matter...Why?
Is runaway global warming already happening?
Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...
Full Show 7/27/15: Feds Monitoring Black Lives Matter Movement
Thom celebrates the 50th birthday of Medicare with The Agenda Project’s Erica Payne, discusses the final push to stop the TPP with radio host Ari Rabin-Havt, and how the federal government has been monitoring the Black Lives Matter movement since Ferguson with activist Kymone Freeman. In tonight’s Daily Take Thom discusses how the economy used to serve the people.
What's the Difference Between Cancer and Donald Trump?
President Jimmy Carter on Iran's Release of the Hostages...
President Jimmy Carter: The United States is an Oligarchy...
New Poll: Bernie Sanders Leads All Republican Front Runners...
Hillary Clinton's New Video on Climate Change...
Caller: Mass Shooters are All Mentally Ill...
Caller: Bernie Sanders Needs to Encourage Black Community to Vote...
Caller: Republicans Want Us to go Back to the Gilded Age!
Thom Hartmann Stands by Trump Conspiracy Theory...
Thom Hartmann: Get the Corporations out of Medicare!
Why Do Republicans Want to Destroy Medicare?