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Rumble: #BernieNextFDR - Pass It Around!
Rumble: Time to Demilitarize the Police
Fast-track could mean the end of the Post Office!
The Hidden Truth About July 4th
The Good, the Bad - and the Very, Very Phemicly Ugly!
Time to Ditch Welfare for a Basic Income?
Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...
Full Show 7/2/15: Racist, Greedy Donald Trump Surging in Polls
Tonight’s Rumble talks Bernie’s massive rally in Madison, WI, the rise of Donald Trump, and the new DOJ report detailing how police incited violence in Ferguson. Thom discusses the continued attacks on the U.S. Post Office with American Postal Workers Union President Mark Dimondstein and in tonight’s Daily Take Thom discusses why the U.S. needs to provide everyone a basic minimum income.
Caller: Goldman Sachs is Like the Slave Owners!
How and Why TPP Will Make US Like Greece...
Thom Hartmann on Economic & Labor News: 7/6/15
Bernie Sanders: NO to TPP!
A Political Earthquake and No One Covered it!
Caller: How can I Make the Black Community Aware of Bernie Sanders?
Caller: I'm Coming Around to Bernie Sanders...
Teddy Roosevelt & Bernie Sanders: We Need a Living Wage!
Why Chicago Won’t Go Bankrupt—And Detroit Didn’t Have To...
Bernie Sanders Channels Ted Kennedy...