Thom's blog
USA: The world's newest 3rd world nation
And the newest third-world country is….America! That’s right. America looks a lot more like a third-world nation than the wealthiest country in the world. As CJ Werleman points out over at Alternet, while America is the wealthiest nation in the world, and has the most billionaires in the world, not a single U.S. city ranks among the world’s most livable cities.
Meanwhile, despite our nation’s vast wealth, 14.5% of U.S. households were “food insecure” as of 2010, and as of 2011, 1.5 million American household were struggling with “extreme poverty.” If you want even more proof that America is in the steady decline to third-world status, take a look at the American middle-class today.
For over 30 years, under both Democratic and Republican leaders, we’ve been hooked on Reaganomics policies that have helped the wealthy elite and those at the top, but screwed over everyone else. Reaganomics has gutted the middle-class, and destroyed the strong and vibrant economy that we once had.
The income gap in America has widened exponentially since Reagan took office andimplemented the so-called “Reagan Tax Cuts.” Between 1947 and 1980, income gains were shared fairly equally between the wealthiest Americans and everyone else. But then Reagan came to Washington and everything changed.
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 10pm... U.S. Scientists: We are not fearmongering (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Watch the video 'Last Hours' narrated by Thom Hartmann about the "time bomb" that is ticking underground, underwater and under ice… frozen methane that is now escaping and could trigger runaway climate change. www.lasthours.org
Have a question or comment for Thom? Grab your phone, hit record and send your video to YourTakeMyTake@gmail.com and we may air it on "The Big Picture."
Need to Know: U.S. Scientists: We are not fearmongering- Dr. Brenda Ekwurzel, Union of Concerned Scientists  - Dr. Michael Dorsey, Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies 
The Best of the Rest...
Vote NO on TPP fast track!- George Kohl, Communications Workers of America 
Daily Take: USA-the world's newest third world nation
Monday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Trade, regulations and China's economic boom- Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum 
Article: " Constitution of the United States", article 3 section 2. "... the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make..."
Quote: "You don't need to be 'straight' to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight." - Barry Goldwater.
Plus, Politics: Money Out, People In- Libby Car, Washington State Coalition to Amend the Constitution 
Hour Two: America doesn't give a RAT's ASS about the poor!
Hour Three: Why is Gawker trying to out Shepard Smith?- Chez Pazienza, The Daily Banter 
Quote: "Outing is brutal and it should be reserved for brutes" - Dan Savage".
Article: " 5th Amendment" (double jeopardy, witness against self, due process, due compensation).
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
Hour Two: U.S. Scientists: We are not fearmongering- Dr. Michael Mann 
Hour Three: More Progressives needed in the House- Marianne Williamson, candidate for Congress (I-CA, 33rd District) takes your calls 
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program...your media support group for "we the people"...
Wednesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
We'll have the best of the rest of the news...all the news & information you won't hear from the corporate owned news media...
Plus, Thom has a conversation with social activist Paul Loeb, author-The Impossible Will Take a Little While
And, your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program, Occupying The Media 3 hours a day 5 days a week" for "we the people"
And don't forget...Democracy is NOT a spectator sport...it begins with you...
On the Road Again
May 10 - Northampton, MA 7pm: Crash of 2016 booksigning, The Parlor Room. Free, but sign up at whmp.com
Thom's Poll
Will the new climate change report make any difference in Congress?
Watch & Listen to Thom
The American Military Junta
Crazy Alert - Are Vampires Real?
ALEC is Trying to Take Down The EPA
The Good - The Bad - And the Very Very Hortulanly Ugly
Fox-So-Called-New's "Hard On" for Benghazi....
Richard Wolff "Time for Democracy in the Workplace"
Why the EPA Isn't Checking Air Quality in WV
America Doesn't Give a RAT'S ASS About the Poor
Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...
Full Show 5/5/14: Is the Great Recession Finally Over?
Thom discusses the lack of media attention given to the West Virginia chemical spill with "In These Times'" Cole Stangler, whether the great recession is finally over with Economist Richard Wolff and the continued obsession with Benghazi by Congressional Republicans with "The Daily Banter's" Tommy Christopher. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom details how our military has massively expanded their power and are infringing upon our Constitutional rights.
Thom Hartmann on Economic and Labor News: May 5, 2014
Should a media personality be outed?
SCOTUS declines Chris Hedge's NDAA challenge!
Politics: Money out... people in
The Thom Hartmann Program - May 5, 2014
America doesn't give a RAT's A$$ about the Poor!
Can Liberals & Conservatives find principles to agree on?
Thom Hartmann on the Science & Green News - May 5, 2014
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Thom and Louise Hartmann founded the New England Salem Children's Village (NESCV) in New Hampshire in 1979. With states delaying payment for the children they entrust to the village, they need help with cash flow. Can you help? Now on Facebook.