Thom's blog
Two New America's: Galt's Junction & The Canadian Dream
It’s time to let them go. Over the past few years, it’s become increasingly clear that as long as far-right crazies and ultra-Conservatives in Washington are preaching policies that eat away at the very ideals our nation was built on, the American Dream will remain out of reach for millions of Americans.
So, if we want to have any chance at taking back the American Dream, we should just let those far-right crazies and ultra-Conservatives running around Washington and in the Red States have their dream of their own country. Let them secede and start their own far-right Any Rand-inspired paradise.
Cliven Bundy, Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, Ted Nugent, Shawn Hannity and the rest of America’s far-right wingers can all move to west Texas, and create a country of their own, free from the “tyrannical” influences of the U.S. government. They can even call this new Ayn Rand-inspired country “Galt’s Gulch.” They can run around firing off their guns, not paying taxes, and defying authority all they like.
Meanwhile, the rest of us back in America will get back to rebuilding the American Dream that Reaganomics has largely torn apart. But as Nicholas Kristof points out over at The New York Times, we may have to rename that "dream" part, because the American Dream isn’t really the American Dream anymore. Instead, we’d be better off living the European Dream or the Canadian Dream.
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 9pm... Big Pharma, Tax Cheats and Banksters...Oh My! (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT or Free Speech TV, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Have a question or comment for Thom? Grab your phone, hit record and send your video to YourTakeMyTake@gmail.com and we may air it on "The Big Picture."
Need to Know: Big Pharma, Tax Cheats and Banksters...Oh My!- America's Lawyer Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio 
Screwed: Does Net Neutrality End Here?- Ben Wikler, MoveOn.org 
PLUS, Has Brown v. board Gone Backwards?- Joe Madison, The Joe Madison Show 
Your Take / My Take Live: Call Thom LIVE at (202) 904-2134 TONIGHT 7-8pm ET (check local listings)
The Best of the Rest...
Daily Take: Two New America's: Galt's Junction & The Canadian Dream
Wednesday's Daily Stack 
Book: Talk by Michael Smerconish.
Article: " Constitution of the United States", article 3 section 2. "... the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make..."
Hour Two: Help save net neutrality- Becky Bond, CREDO.com 
Quote: "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice" by Martin Luther King Jr.
Quote: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win". attributed to Gandhi.
Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
Hour One: We need a new deal for students- Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) 
Plus, Two New Americas: Galt's Juntion & the Canadian Dream
Hour Two: Parasites...Big Pharma, Banksters & Tax Cheats- America's Lawyer Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio 
Hour Three: Will fast food raises cost jobs?- Michael Salsman, Employment Policies Institute 
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program...your media support group for "we the people"...
Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
It's Friday and that means it's Brunch With Bernie...America's Senator...Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will be here talking about all the important issues of the week and he'll be taking YOUR calls too...get your questions ready...
Plus, it's Anything Goes Friday...your chance to sound off about any topic...what's on your mind?
And, the best of the rest of the news...all the news and information you won't be hearing from the corporate owned news media...together with your calls...right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program, Occupying The Media 3 hours a day 5 days a week" for "we the people"
And don't forget...Democracy is NOT a spectator sport...it begins with you...
Thom's Poll
Will public pressure force the FCC to protect net neutrality?
Watch & Listen to Thom
Why Mitch McConnell should be Fired for VA Death Panels
Fast Food is the Most Unequal Industry in America
Lone Liberal - Karl Rove Only has a One Inch Penis
Getting Rid of Abortion Providers Does Not End Abortions
Lone Liberal - Are Republicans afraid of women having power?
The GOP is no Different Than Boko Haram
Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...
Full Show 5/14/14: Mitch McConnell's War Against Veterans
Tonight's "Lone Liberal Rumble" discusses who's to blame for the problems with the Veterans Affairs department, Karl Rove's questioning of Hillary Clinton's health and whether the FCC will end the internet as we know it. Thom talks tomorrow's global fast food strike with Jack Temple of the National Employment Law Project and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses Mitch McConnell's war against veterans.
Caller: How do we Talk to Climate Change Deniers?
What do we do About the State of our Media?
The Thom Hartmann Program - May 14, 2014
Caller: What White Privilege Means to Me
The Sorry State of American Talk Radio
No Apologies for White Privilege
HELP Save Net Neutrality!
Thom and Louise Hartmann founded the New England Salem Children's Village (NESCV) in New Hampshire in 1979. With states delaying payment for the children they entrust to the village, they need help with cash flow. Can you help? Now on Facebook.
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