Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE 3-6pm ET M-F!!
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Watch my TedX Talk -Lincoln Didn't Fight The Civil War to Free The Corporations. This is an idea worth spreading - so - please watch & share with 5 or 10 friends. It’s important to get money of politics and the average person back in. Also - leave a message on the YouTube and let TED know - this is one of the most important issues of the day - then go to MovetoAmend.org and help out! - Thom Hartmann
Hour One: Students now endentured to the banksters... / PLUS, Let's have a carbon tax - Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Hour Two: The case for reparations - Mychal Massie, Project 21 / PLUS, Geeky Science - the real reason behind obesity revealed
Hour Three: Koch Brothers Exposed - Robert Greenwald, Brave New Films