Catch The Thom Hartmann Program LIVE 3-6pm ET M-F!!
Read Thom's latest Liberally Yours column online at The Daily Caller..be sure to add your comments & support your local liberal!
In for Thom today, please welcome Danielle Guilday & Shane Farnan, Talking Left
Hour One: KXL Pipeline...the time to act is now! Dave Saldana, Pipe LIES Exposed / PLUS,The Gulf Coast...still suffering from the 2010 BP disaster - Farron Cousins, DeSmogBlog / AND, The worst Governors in America - John Nichols, The Nation
Hour Two: Latest on the minimum wage war - Tim Dickinson, Rolling Stone Magazine / Plus, Clarence Thomas...one of the most dangerous men in America? Ian Millhiser, Think Progress
Hour Three: More suppressive voting laws...just in time for the midterm elections - David Haynes, The Cochran Firm / PLUS, Why don't Republicans support the troops? Justin Duckham, Talk Radio News Service / AND, How the wage gap is destroying democracy - Dean Baker, Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)