Thom's blog
Bring progressive talk back to Portland, OR
A dedicated team in Portland, Oregon is trying to bring progressive talk back to their city with a station called XRAY.fm. The video for their Kickstarter campaign tells the story of a station fighting back against media consolidation. You should see it:
Portland is where my show really got its start, on KPOJ AM 620. Now, when you Google "Thom Hartmann Portland" the first result is for a Fox Sports Radio station. This is all because Clear Channel (owned by Bain Capital) killed Portland’s only progressive talk station in 2012, just days after the general election, and replaced it with a Fox sports station. With over 850 radio stations, Clear Channel is the largest radio conglomerate in the United States.
Clear Channel is just a part of the problem of media consolidation. In the US, over 90% of the media we watch, listen to, and read is owned by a handful of media conglomerates. It’s not all bad news though.
Dozens of community organizations applied for radio licenses with the FCC in 2013, many of them aided by XRAY.fm. Right now, we have the opportunity to help a new and growing movement of independent broadcasters. Progressives around the country are coming together to help build stations like XRAY.fm. Let’s join them.
XRAY.fm will bring the Thom Hartmann Program back to Portland FM radio alongside my friend and former colleague Carl Wolfson. Their programming will include independent DJs, local cultural figures, and progressive talk that reflects their values. They will also stream their programming online so that fans around the world can listen.
Thom's blog
We Can Restore Net Neutrality!
On the one-year anniversary of the death of internet-activist Aaron Swartz, three judges in D.C. killed the internet. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the FCC's net neutrality rule, and opened the door to corporate control of the information we can access online. Net neutrality is the principal that internet providers must treat all content equally, rather than blocking or slowing down a website or application based on its subject matter, or on the amount someone is willing to pay to access it. Because of FCC changes during the Bush Administration, the judges ruled that internet providers no longer have to comply with net neutrality.
Under the Telecommunications Act of 1996, companies that provided phone or television service were classified as common carriers, and were required to provide everyone with equal access to these services. Internet providers were originally subject to these regulations as well, but that all changed in 2005, when Bush's FCC exempted them from common carrier status. So, yesterday the appeals court ruled that there is no way to force these internet providers to comply with these regulations.
The judges did, however, hint at one possible solution. Because this ruling centers on the fact that the FCC no longer classifies internet providers as common carriers, a simple rule change could once again subject them to these standards. No corporation should have control over the information we access, and internet content shouldn't be filtered based on who can pay the most to see or post it. We must push the FCC to reclassify internet providers as common carriers, and protect the freedom of the internet.
(What do you think? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 9pm... Is there software coming to prevent NSA spying? (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Watch the video 'Last Hours' narrated by Thom Hartmann about the "time bomb" that is ticking underground, underwater and under ice… frozen methane that is now escaping and could trigger runaway climate change. www.lasthours.org
Have a question or comment for Thom? Grab your phone, hit record and send your video to YourTakeMyTake@gmail.com and we may air it on "The Big Picture."
Need to Know: Is there software coming to prevent NSA spying?- John McAfee, Former Programmer / Founder-McAfee Inc 
Lone Liberal Rumble:- Kris Ullman, Conservative Commentator & Activist. - Tim Cavanaugh, The Daily Caller 
Daily Take: The internet is dead...long live the internet!
Tuesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Is net neutrality dead?- Seton Motley, Less Government 
The Big Picture- Nate Sweet, The Big Picture producer
Hour Two: America's REAL welfare queens...
Article: " Fast Food, Poverty Wages" by Sylvia Allegretto, Marc Doussard, Dave Graham-Squire, Ken Jacobs, Dan Thompson and Jeremy Thompson.
Hour Three: Pot, gateway drug to...state run banking?- WA State Senator Bob Hasegawa (D-11th District) 
Wednesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
Hour One: The privatization of the net has begun- C. Edmund Wright, WTF? How Karl Rove and the Establishment Lost...Again 
Plus, Hunter heals a life lost in the system - A Hunter School mom talks about her daughter
Hour Two: Progressive Democrats Rule!- Tim Carpenter, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) 
Hour Three: TPP - The fast track to poverty?- Leo Gerard, United Steelworkers 
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program...your media support group for "we the people"...
Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
We'll have all the latest news and information that you won't hear from the corporate owned news media...
Plus, what does the right have against legalizing pot for use by consenting adults? I'll challenge conservative Charles "Cully" Stimson of the Heritage Foundation...
And, I'll confront conservative Bob Bowdon who wants to free schools from federal control...what?!
Plus, Geeky Science and your calls right here on...The Thom Hartmann Program...
The Thom Hartmann Program, Occupying The Media 3 hours a day 5 days a week" for "we the people"
AND...Don't forget...Democracy is NOT a spectator sport...it begins with you...
Thom's Poll
Is it time to enact an internet bill of rights?
Watch & Listen to Thom
Watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...
Full Show 1/14/14: The End of the Internet As We Know It?
Thom talks the fast-tracking of TPP with Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-OR), net neutrality with Free Press' Tim Karr and socialism with Kshama Sawant. Tonight's "Politics Panel" discusses TPP, the new Iran sanctions bill and Congress' new spending bill. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom explains who the real welfare queens in America are.
Thom Hartmann on the News: January 14, 2014
Pot, Gateway Drug to...State Run Banking?
The Winners and Losers in the New Federal Budget
America's Real Welfare Queens
Caller: Another Victory for the So-Called Capitalists!
Net Neutrality: Why Should You be Concerned?
Is Net Neutrality Dead?
The Thom Hartmann Program - January 14, 2014 Hour 1
The Thom Hartmann Program - January 14, 2014 Hour 2
The Thom Hartmann Program - January 14, 2014 Hour 3
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Thom and Louise Hartmann founded the New England Salem Children's Village (NESCV) in New Hampshire in 1979. With states delaying payment for the children they entrust to the village, they need help with cash flow. Can you help? Now on Facebook.