Thom's blog
Once again, Republicans reject their own plan
Only hours after President Obama proposed a new “grand bargain” for job creation, Republican leaders quickly condemned the idea. On Tuesday, the President spoke at an Amazon.com warehouse in Tennessee, where he unveiled a new plan that paired corporate tax cuts with infrastructure spending, in an effort to gain bipartisan support. However, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was quick to criticize the president's proposal, saying, “It's just a further-left version of a widely panned plan he already proposed two years ago, this time with extra goodies for tax-and-spend-liberals.”
The Republican lawmaker refused to acknowledge that President Obama's plan did exactly what GOP leaders have been calling for – lower the corporate tax rate and simplify the tax code. Instead, Senator McConnell focused in on infrastructure spending, calling it “extra goodies,” and ignoring the fact that it would put many Americans back to work. This out-of-the-gate obstruction is just more Republican economic terrorism. They will oppose anything that the President proposes, no matter how many Republican ideas are included.
Republicans in Congress would rather create another manufactured debt crisis, so that they can blame President Obama for the damage that crisis inflicts on our economy. But, more and more Americans are recognizing that the goal of the GOP's insurgency strategy is not to help our economy, or put Americans back to work – it's simply to oppose anything and everything President Obama stands for.
As the President said during a speech last week, it's time for Republicans to stop being against everything, and tell the American people what it is they actually stand for. Because as it looks now, the only thing Republicans will spend their time on, is making sure that nothing the President proposes ever actually gets done.
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Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 9pm... Are conservatives responsible for the 105 child prostitutes? (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
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Need to Know: Are conservatives responsible for the 105 child prostitutes?
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Article: " 4th Amendment". " The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.".
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