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NC GOP puts the "extreme" in extremism!
Ever since Pat McCrory took office as governor earlier this year - GOP lawmakers in North Carolina have turned that state into ground zero for Tea Party extremism - gutting social services- slashing taxes - and - yes - even banning Sharia law. And now, Republicans in the Tar Heel State are kicking that extremism into overdrive with the worst voter suppression law in our nation.
According to the Think Progress Blog, this new law doesn't just require voter ID, but includes a broad range of other initiatives designed to keep as many people as possible from the polls. The bill eliminates North Carolina's same-day voter registration, cuts early voting hours by a full week, and makes it easier for voter-intimidation groups like True The Vote, to challenge voters' eligibility.
Republicans know that their gerrymandering and political spending will only keep them in office for so long... so, they're resorting to disenfranchise millions of voters just to hold on to power. Thankfully, the people of North Carolina aren't taking this right-wing extremism lying down. Each week, successful “Moral Monday” protests grow larger, as more people speak out against these extreme policies.
At the rate people are getting involved, it's likely that even more voters will go to great lengths to ensure their voices are heard. Republicans may be able to enact these laws now, but the growing “Moral Monday” movement in North Carolina appears ready to strike back in the next election.
(What do you think? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 9pm... Koch million$ go after nonprofits, colleges (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
The Best of the Rest...
Koch million$ go after nonprofits, colleges- Professor Charles Lewis, American University School of Communication.
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Tuesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: The American Dream was never to be rich...
The Big Picture- Nate Sweet, The Big Picture producer
Hour Two: What does communism have to do with the Zimmerman verdict?- Erik Rush, World Net Daily 
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Wednesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
Hour One: Weiner...will he (should he) pull out?
Hour Two: Salt...the big lie?- Michelle Minton, Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) 
Tim Carpenter on movement politics...- Tim Carpenter, Progressive Democrats of America 
Hour Three: Limbaugh gets 'politically corrected'
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Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
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Thom's Poll
Will Obama fix America’s growing wealth inequality?
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The American Dream Was Never To Be Rich
Is a Sleeping Giant Stirring in the Arctic?
Next Episode of Hoarders...Goldman Sachs?
Politics Panel - A New Foreign Policy - No Weapons to Anyone!
Politics Panel - GOP...the party of no more tolerance
Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...
Full Show 7/23/13: Thom's Look Inside the Heart of the American Dream
Tonight's "Big Picture Politics Panel" discusses the party of intolerance and their threat of shutting down the government to defund Obamacare, the continued words between Senators Reid and McConnell and the U.S. agreeing to arm the Syrian rebels. Thom talks with Economist Richard Wolff about the hoarding of aluminum by Goldman Sachs and what it means for consumers and Thom corrects Bill O'Reilly in tonight's "Politically Corrected." In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom takes a hard look inside the heart of the American dream.
Thom Hartmann on the News - July 23, 2013
I guess I'm a Marxist too!
Where are all the commies?
Bill O'Reilly says stop having black babies..
The consequence of racial oppression is poverty...
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