Thom's blog
Mitt Romney just couldn’t beat Santa Claus
At least that’s how he’s spinning his landslide loss to President Obama in last week’s election. According to the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, Mitt Romney convened a conference call with donors on Wednesday and blamed his loss on a President who was “very generous” and promised to give away “big gifts” to women, minorities, and the poor. Those “gifts” Romney is referring to are things like contraceptive access for women, affordable student loans for young people, health care for poor people, and a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who’ve been living in this country since they were children. Romney calls them gifts, while the rest of us call them basic essentials needed to make it in America.
Republican strategist Jude Wanniski was the first to label Democrats as Santa Claus back in the 1970’s for giving Americans things like Social Security and Medicare. Wanniski said Republicans had to play Santa Claus, too, by giving people tax cuts, which Republicans have stuck to ever since. Post-election, a lot of Conservative talking heads, from Rush Limbaugh to Bill O’Reilly to now Mitt Romney, have played the “gift card” against President Obama. But what they ignore is that for several generations now, we as Americans through our democracy, have voted in these policies. “We the people” have concluded that we should all be protected from old age, sickness, and unemployment - and have elected representatives to protect these programs.
Some of the millionaires and billionaires like Mitt Romney think that just because they don’t need any help, then no one in America needs help. If they want to whine about these programs now that they've lost the election, then I suggest they find a remote piece of land and begin constructing their Ayn Rand utopia far, far away from the rest of us in “we society” America.
(What do you think? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 9pm... Blacks, latinos & women, oh my...thanks a lot moochers! (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Need to Know: Blacks, latinos & women, oh my...thanks a lot moochers!- Richard Fowler, Richard Fowler, Progressive Strategist & Host-The Richard Fowler (radio) Show ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Screwed: Is civil disobedience to block gay marriage coming to your town soon?- Bishop E.W. Jackson, founder S.T.A.N.D. (Staying True to America's National Destiny) / Founder Exodus Faith Ministries ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Allen West is stealing the election after the election- Brad Friedman, The Brad Blog ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Geeky Science - Global warming... corals send SOS to fish!
Daily Take: Why the end game for Capitalism is close
Wednesday's Daily Stack ![Daily Stack](https://ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/12.jpg?a=1102702656827)
Hour One: Is Conservatism dead?- Tom Pauken, Former Reagan White House staff member / Commissioner-Texas Workforce Commission / Author- Bringing America Home: How America Lost Her Way and How We Can Find Our Way Back.
The Big Picture- Sam Sacks, The Big Picture producer, progressive commentator ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Hour Two: Spending vs. Investing, and Fiscal Cliff Hysteria
Video: " I've always felt the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help'." Ronald W. Reagan.
Hour Three: "Conversations With Great Minds"- Dr. Richard Wolff, New School University NYC ![Twitter](https://cdn3.thomhartmann.com/sites/default/files/twitter.jpg)
Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
Hour One: The secret UN Agenda 21 explained- Field Searcy, Conservative Activist & Co-Founder GA Tea Party ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
Hour Two: Why the end game for Capitalism is near...
Geeky Science - Seaweed-threatened corals send chemical SOS to fish
Hour Three: Is civil disobedience to block gay marriage coming to your town soon?- Dr. Michael Brown, Host, "The Line of Fire" radio program (nationally syndicated) / Author of 22 books, latest: "A Queer Thing Happened to America" ![Twitter](https://origin.ih.constantcontact.com/fs028/1102605880949/img/128.jpg)
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Thom's Poll
Should Rep. Allen West be given a full recount in Florida?
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The "Impeach Obama" March has begun
Spending vs. Investing...what makes America work?
The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Omniligentously Ugly!
Will the EU Protests Be the Turning Point for Austerity?
The Black Friday Strike Begins...
Lone Liberal Rumble - Romney Thinks Obama is Santa Claus
Lone Liberal Rumble - It's The "Jobs Cliff" Stupid
It's The "Jobs Cliff" Stupid...
Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...
Full Show 11/14/12: Republican Hysterics
Thom looks at the Republican's hysteria surrounding the "fiscal cliff," and the history of the party's manufactured hysteria over fictional crises. Tonight's "Lone Liberal Rumble" panel discusses the "fiscal cliff," the real question that needs to be asked following the Gen. Petraeus scandal and why Republicans keep pushing to repeal Obamacare despite people's growing support of it. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom explains the important differences between spending and investing.
Thom Hartmann on the News - November 14, 2012
Impeach Obama robocall
Conversations with Great Minds - Dr Richard Wolff p1
Conversations with Great Minds - Dr. Richard Wolff - p2
Time for a VAT Tax in the US?
Thom and Louise Hartmann founded the New England Salem Children's Village (NESCV) in New Hampshire in 1979. With states delaying payment for the children they entrust to the village, they need help with cash flow. Can you help? Now on Facebook.
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