Thom's blog
Is fracking responsible for killing off an alarming number of livestock around the nation?
Authors of a new report looked into 24 different case studies in six different states where hydraulic fracking is taking place, to find out why livestock is getting sick and dying. Their conclusion: it’s the fracking chemicals! For example in Louisiana, the study found 17 cows that died after being exposed to spilled fracking chemicals for only one hour. In central Pennsylvania, after 140 cattle were exposed to fracking chemicals, half died. And in western Pennsylvania, after a nearby pond used by pregnant cows was contaminated with fracking chemicals, half the calves born were dead. And if this is what fracking is doing to animals, what might it be doing to people?
As the study’s author says, “[Exposed livestock] are making their way into the food system, and it’s very worrisome…They live in areas that have tested positive for air, water and soil contamination. Some of these chemicals could appear in milk and meat products made from these animals.” Several nations in Europe have already banned fracking, including France and Bulgaria, while the UK has suspended the practice. It’s time for lawmakers to come to their senses in the U.S. and put an end to toxic fracking.
(What do you think? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 7pm and 9pm... 1956 Republicans vs. 2012 Republicans...which direction? (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Need to Know: 1956 Republicans vs. 2012 Republicans...which direction?- Tommy Christopher, 
Screwed: In denial...the Godfather on climate change- Marc Morano, Climate 
We're f'd...fracking our food supply- Elizabeth Royte, The Nation Magazine, Author of "Garbage Land: On the Secret Trail of Trash" 
The Best of the Rest of the News...
Did the Saudis try to fund the presidential election?- Lee Fang, The Nation Magazine 
Everything You Know is Wrong: Occupy the Bible- Dr. Susan Thistlethwaite, Chicago Theological Seminary / Center for American Progress 
Daily Take: We found Reagan's welfare queen...
Friday's Daily Stack 
Quote: "Democracy is great not just because the majority prevails but because it is safe to be in the minority." -- Adlai Stevenson.
Hour One: API...EXPOSED- Lee Fang, The Nation Magazine 
Hour Two: Anything Goes on Townhall Friday
Article: " Constitution of the United States", article 3 section 2. "... the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make..."
Hour Three: If it's Friday, it's "Brunch With Bernie"... the honorable Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) joins Thom with all the news from our nation's capitol and as always he'll be spending the hour taking your calls and answering your questions too... Follow Bernie: campaign site.
Monday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
Hour One: We found Reagan's welfare queen...
Hour Two: We put an end to the fast poisoning of about the slow poisoning?- Julie Gunlock, Independent Women's Forum, Women for Food Freedom project 
Hour Three: Which way will the Republican Party go?
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program...your media support group for "we the people"...
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
Will the GOP throw homeowners to the vulture capitalists? I'll challenge conservative Tanya Marchiol of TEAM investments...
Plus...the economy, jobs and the fiscal cliff...oh my! I'll have a conversation with Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH)...
And, we'll have the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program, Occupying The Media 3 hours a day 5 days a week" for "we the people"...Democracy is NOT a spectator begins with you...
Thom's Poll
Will Walmart's decrease in health coverage fuel worker protests?
Watch & Listen to Thom
Obama Breaks the Golden Rule on Drones
Big Picture Rumble - Capitalism - A Big Wake Up Call w/Global Warming
Big Picture Rumble - The Saudis Gave Election Money in Secret?
Bigger Picture: The Middle East - The Important Role of the PLO
Bigger Picture: The Middle East - Impact of Pres. Obama's Re-Election
Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show...
Full Show 11/30/12: The Drone President
In tonight's "Bigger Picture" discussion Thom talks with a panel of experts about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Tonight's "Big Picture Rumble" panel discusses Obama's "Fiscal Cliff" plan, the Saudi's influence on the presidential election and the fast food strike in New York. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses Obama's Drone War.
Thom Hartmann on the News - November 30, 2012
Brunch with Bernie - November 30, 2012
Saudi-led oil Lobby and Dark Money Attack Ads
 Would you like to help give a child with a very troubled background this feeling of peace? Thom and Louise Hartmann founded the New England Salem Children's Village (NESCV) in New Hampshire in 1979. With states delaying payment for the children they entrust to the village, they need help with cash flow. Can you help? Now on Facebook.
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