The latest CEO to threaten his employees if Mitt Romney loses. White is the owner of the industrial equipment firm Rite-Hite – and he recently sent an email to his 1,400 employees cautioning them that should Barack Obama win a second term, then he will have to drop the company’s contributions to employee retirement funds. He also warned there is a “good chance” employees will also lose their healthcare should President Obama win.
Ever since Mitt Romney was caught telling the National Federation of Independent Businesses to tell their employees who they should vote, several CEOs have done just that – including the Koch brothers. And if it works, then this will be just the beginning when it comes to politicking in the workplace. Expect day-long seminars in the future with employers campaigning on behalf of political candidates and feeding their workers misinformation about who they should vote for.
This is the rise of the corporatocracy – as corporate CEOs receive their marching orders from bought-off corporate politicians – and then turn their workers into foot soldiers to campaign and vote on behalf of the interests of the oligarchs. Yet another consequence of post-Citizens United America.
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