Thom's blog
The blowback against Austerity rages throughout Europe
The continental rejection of austerity continues in Europe. In the Netherlands – the Dutch government coalition collapsed on Monday – after lawmakers failed to agree upon a series of austerity measures. And in Ireland – the nation’s largest trade unions are pressuring the government to vote against more austerity measures being pushed by Germany.
These latest protests – coupled with the early electoral defeat of French President Nicholas Sarkozy, demonstrations against austerity in the Czech Republic, and growing unrest in places like Greece, Italy, and Spain, where austerity is in full-effect – show that Europe is fed up with forced budget cuts.
Stay tuned – the backlash against austerity could be severe.
(Where do you think it will lead? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... ALEC...taxpayer subsidized lobbying (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Need to Know: ALEC...taxpayer subsidized lobbying- Megan Carpentier, The Raw Story 
Screwed: Can you spare a trillion for student loans?- Pam Brown, OWS Occupy Student Debt Campaign 
Protect human rights...legalize pot?- Ethan Nadelman, Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) 
The Best of the Rest of the News...
Daily Take: The Banksters Plan to Remake Europe
Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm
Hour One: Transgender Breakthrough EEOC ruling, and Mitt Romney and his new gay spokesman- Chris Geidner, Metro Weekly 
Free Lab Chimpanzees, Free Taxpayer Dollars- Elizabeth Kucinich, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine 
Hour Two: ALEC's alienating political agenda- Ari Melber, The Nation Magazine / Politico 
Mitt Romney and his new book "Showdown"- David Corn, Mother Jones 
Hour Three: "Democrats, Dump ALEC!" campaign- State Senator Eric Griego (D-NM, 14th district) 
What goes on in "The Republican Brain"- Chris Mooney, author of "The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science and Reality" 
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program...your media support group for "we the people"...TAG, YOU'RE IT!!!!!!!!! (OCCUPY SOMETHING!!!!!)
Monday's Daily Stack 
Quote: "Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there." -- Virginia Burden.
Syndicated columnist & Democratic strategist Karl Frisch in for Thom today...
Hour One: Media bias and the GOP- Eric Burns, Bullfight Strategies / past president of Media Matters for America 
CISPA and child labor- Lee Fang, RepublicReport.org 
Hour Two: Upward mobility...not for the middle class anymore- Tina Dupuy, Crooks & Liars 
Arizona immigration law heads to SCOTUS and some great news for Obamacare!- Doug Kendall, Constitutional Accountability Center 
Hour Three: Missouri Advances ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill- Sarah Warbelow, Human Rights Campaign 
Thom's Poll
SCOTUS begins oral arguments on the constitutionality of Arizona’s anti-immigration law. Will they uphold it, or strike it down?
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Thom Hartmann on the News - April 23, 2012
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