Thom's blog
More setbacks in the decade-long Afghanistan War
After a U.S. soldier snapped, and massacred 16 Afghan civilians – including nine children – Afghan President Hamid Karzai called for all NATO troops to be pulled out of rural areas. That could throw a wrench in the US exit strategy, which depends on handing Afghanistan over to NATO and Afghan Security Forces by 2014.
Another blow to the US exit strategy came when the Taliban suspend negotiations with US diplomats. In order to end the civil war in Afghanistan – a power-sharing deal with the Taliban must be worked out – but Taliban leaders walked away from the table, claiming that the US keeps changing the terms of the negotiations.
Clearly – after a decade of war – the Afghans want us out of their country. And recent polls show that the American people – who are watching this nation go bankrupt from war and our young soldiers deteriorate mentally and physically – want the war to end as well. In fact – 50% of Americans want the United States to speed up its withdrawal from Afghanistan. Time to pull a Saigon – and just get the hell out of there.
(Why is the U.S. still there? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... the American Dream gone South (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Need to Know: the American Dream gone South
Screwed: Taliban Suspends Afghanistan Talks With U.S.- Eli Clifton, Think Progress 
The Best of the Rest of the News...
AZ's ‘Tell Your Boss Why You’re On The Pill’ Bill- Amanda Beadle, Think Progress.org 
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Today on The Thom Hartmann Program, 3-6pm ET
Hour One: Are pharmaceutical patents killing people?- John Manuelian, Attorney.
Hour Two: The Divided Republican Party...Eisenhower Republicans, take back your party
Geeky Science rocks! Can Carbon Dioxide make you fat?
Hour Three: Vibrating atoms, more important than you know- Dr. Cosmin Blaga, Ohio State University Department of Physics 
Rare Earth Mineral Hoarding... Hurting Ohio Manufacturers- Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) 
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
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Wednesday's Daily Stack 
Hour One: Why does Goldman Sachs think you're a muppet?
The Big Picture- Sam Sacks, The Big Picture producer, progressive commentator 
Hour Two: Why shouldn't 25 year olds get social security too?- Peter Ferrara, Carleson Center for Public Policy 
Hour Three: If we regulate prescription drugs why not regulate all Wall Street derivatives
John's 35 Reasons To Appreciate The Democratic Party – With All Their Faults
1) Democrats Fought for Social Security (F.D.R.) 2) Democrats Fought for Medicare (L.B.J.) 3) Democrats Fought for Medicaid (L.B.J.) 4) Democrats Fought for Welfare Benefits (F.D.R.) 5) Democrats Fought for Civil Rights (L.B.J.) 6) Democrats Fought for Unemployment Insurance (F.D.R.) 7) Democrats Fought for National Labor Relations Board (F.D.R.) 8) Democrats Fought for 8 Hour Work Day-5 Day Work Week- Work Place Breaks & Overtime Pay (F.D.R.) 9) Democrats Fought for Workers Compensation (Woodrow Wilson) 10) Democrats Fought for Americans with Disability Act (101st Democratic Congress – over G.H.W. Bush veto) 11) Democrats Fought for Holiday Pay(F.D.R.) 12) Democrats Fought for Medical Leave Act (Bill Clinton) 13) Democrats Fought for Prevention of Child Labor (F.D.R.) 14) Democrats Fought for Minimum Wage Act (F.D.R.) 15) Democrats Fought for Work Place Safety (OSHA) *** (Nixon) 16) Democrats Fought for Affirmative Action as it relates to Racial Discrimination (J.F.K) 17) Democrats Fought for Women’s Rights (L.B.J) 18) Democrats Fought for Tax Fairness (Platform Issue) 19) Democrats Fought for Veterans Pay & Benefits (F.D.R.) 20) Democrats Fought for Consumer Protection / Consumer Bill of Rights (J.F.K.) 21) Democrats Fought for Gun Law’s / Background Checks to prevent felons from getting Weapons (L.B.J) (B.Clinton) 22) Democrats Fought for Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights (Barack Obama) 23) Democrats Fought for Funding Our Schools (L.B.J.) 24) Democrats Fought for Grants for low income people to attend college (L.B.J.) 25) Democrats Fought for Environmental Regulations – Clean Water Act / Clean Air Act (Dems Override Nixon Veto) 26) Democrats Fought for Financial Regulations keeping Wall Street Wizards Accountable (Dodd/Frank – Obama) 27) Democrats Fought for Affordable Health Care for Everyone (Obama Care) 28) Democrats Fought for Hate Crime Legislation (Matthew Shepard) (Barack Obama) 29) Democrats Fought for Children’s Health Legislation for 11 Million Children without Health Care (Barack Obama) 30) Democrats Fought for Voting Rights Act (L.B.J) 31) Democrats Fought for National Voter Registration (Bill Clinton) 32) Democrats Fought for Largest Deficit Cutting Plan in History (Bill Clinton) 33) Democrats Fought for Clayton Anti-Trust Act (Woodrow Wilson) 34) Democrats Fought for Securities & Exchange Act (Franklin D. Roosevelt) 35) Democrats Fought for National School Lunch Program (Harry Truman)
Thom's Poll
Is it time NOW to pull a Saigon – and just get the hell out of Afghanistan?
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Wall Street Scored Big in the Last Elections
Exposing the New Republican Conspiracy & Paranoia
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Lone Liberal Rumble - What would Palin write on her palm debating Obama?
Full Show 3/14/12: Wall Street Wins AL and MS Primaries
Thom looks at who the real winners were in last night's GOP primaries. Tonight's "Lone Liberal Rumble" panel discusses the drumbeat to war with Iran despite its unpopularity among Americans, the spread of undemocratic voter ID laws and Sarah Palin's call for a debate with Barack Obama. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom explains why we need to treat Wall Street like we treat the pharmaceutical industry.
Thom Hartmann on the News - March 14, 2012
Why shouldn't 25 year olds get social security too?
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