Thom's blog
Rick Santorum wants America to be more like Iran?
Speaking of Iran – Rick Santorum wants the United States to be more like the rogue Arab nation. In an interview with ABC on Sunday – Santorum said, “I don’t believe in an America where the separation between church and state is absolute.”
In other words – Santorum believes we should institute a theocracy in America – just like Iran has. Rick Santorum wants to wipe clean 230 years of American tradition – going all the way back to the founding fathers – who looked around the world at theocracies and wanted America to be different – who wanted a separation between church and state.
Talk about the ultimate version of “Big Government” – Santorum believes in a government that will tell us what we can believe in – who we should pray to – and what our moral values should be.
(Do you think the US should become a theocracy? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... Afghan protest-more than burning the Koran (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Need to Know: Afghan protest-more than burning the Koran- Ali Gharib, Think Progress 
Screwed: Are Americans becoming less not more conservative?- Sarah Jaffe, AlterNet 
The Best of the Rest of the News...
Students on Hunger Strike for University Workers' Living Wage- Hunter Link, hunger striker 
Everything You Know is Wrong... "The Republican brain...why educated conservative deny science?" - Chris Mooney, Science & Political Journalist 
Daily Take: Why Rick Santorum wants to go back to the Pilgrim/theocrat days?
The Daily Stack 
Hour One: Why is Dow spying on The Yes Men?- Mike Bonanno, The Yes Men 
Hour Two: A win for Union workers in Chicago- Armando Robles, United Electrical Workers.
Hour Three: The latest "complete Social Security Reform plan"- Phil Kerpen, Americans For Prosperity 
Coming up Tuesday on The Thom Hartmann Program
Hour One: Detroit's children...who eats, who doesn't- Russ Russell, Forgotten Harvest 
Hour Two: Tolls not Taxes- Adrian Moore, PhD - Reason Foundation 
Hour Three: "The NRC and Nuclear Power Plant Safety in 2011: Living on Borrowed Time report"- David Lochbaum, UCS Global Security Program 
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
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Corporate profits shattered a 60-year record in 2011. Does this mean the economy is improving?
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Hartmann: The Global Power Shift to the BRIC Nations
Full Show 2/24/12: An Extended Edition of Friday's "Big Picture Rumble"
Thom Hartmann on the News - February 27, 2012
Thom Hartmann & Mike Bonanno: Why is Dow spying on The Yes Men?
Thom Hartmann & Armando Robles: A win for Union workers in Chicago
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