Thom's blog
All across Spain workers protested in the streets last weekend, when will we see this in the US?
From Greece to the U.K. to now Spain. Hundreds of thousands of workers took to the streets in 57 cities across Spain over the weekend to protest the Conservative government’s new austerity package and labor reforms. As many as a half-million people demonstrated in Madrid alone according to reports.
Alongside new spending cuts – the Conservative government is slashing severance pay for workers and making it easier for companies to opt out of union contracts. Before the European debt crisis – Spain’s unemployment rate stood at just below 8% - but today it’s above 22% - which is the highest in the developed world. And as we’ve seen elsewhere across Europe – and in the United States – slashing government spending and taking money out of working people’s pockets only makes the situation worse.
(What do you think it will take to end austerity cuts? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... The radical center will not save us... (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Need to Know: The radical center will not save us...- Catherine Crier, "Patriot Acts: What Americans Must Do To Save the Republic" 
Screwed: Why German labor is treated better than American labor- Klaus Barthel, Member of Social Democratic Party and of Parliament of Germany - George Kohl, Communications Workers of America 
The Best of the Rest of the News...
Commonwealth dividends for all?- Peter Barnes, Working Assets & On the Commons 
"Everything You Know is Wrong": Bailed out...what to do if you're arrested- Stephen Owens, bail agent, Kansas Bail Agents Association 
Daily Take: Greece-Eurozone's first colony?
Take Back the American Dream
Please join us Tuesday evening February 21st as we present a very special edition of The Big Picture - " Teach-In to Take Back the American Dream" sponsored by the Campaign for America's Future and Free Speech TV. Guests include: Former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich, Robert Borosage w/Campaign for America's Future, "Patriotic Millionaire" Leo Hindery of Intermedia Partners, Heather McGhee of Demos, and Natalie Foster from Rebuild the Dream. Check your local listings...9pm ET and 11pm ET on FSTV and RT.
The Daily Stack 
Quote: "The power under the constitution will always be in the people. It is intrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and, whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their wishes, their servants can and undoubtedly will be recalled." -- George Washington (letter to Bushrod Washington, Nov. 10, 1787).
Hour One: Latest news you need to know
Happy Presidents Day.
Hour Two: Oil prices skyrocket...the speculators are back (Oil Prices Are Rising Despite Lowest Demand Since 1997)- Ronald "Ron" Bailey, Reason magazine & Reason.com 
Article: " Interim Report on Crude Oil" by Interagency Task Force on Commodity Markets, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, July 2008.
Hour Three: Private prisons...unsafe, unaccountable and costly- Carolyn Isaacs, American Friends Service Committee’s Arizona program 
Coming up on The Thom Hartmann Program
Hour Two: Is the Tea Party still relevant?- Mark Williams, Former Chair-Tea Party Express 
Hour Three: Republican war on women- Carrie Lukas, Independent Women's Forum 
And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program...your media support group for "we the people"...TAG, YOU'RE IT!!!!!!!!! (OCCUPY SOMETHING!!!!!)
Thom's Poll
The first test-tube hamburger is expected to be created in a lab this year. Will you eat test-tube meat?
Watch & Listen to Thom
Conversations w/Great Minds - Jeff Clements, Corporations are not People P1
Conversations w/Great Minds - Jeff Clements, Corporations are not People P2
Conversations w/ Great Minds - Corey Robin, The Reactionary Mind P1
Conversations w/ Great Minds - Corey Robin, The Reactionary Mind P2
Thom Hartmann on the News - February 20, 2012
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