Thom's blog
What do you think of President Obama's State of The Union speech?
President Obama declared the state of the union is “Getting stronger” last night before a joint-session of Congress. But to ensure the nation continues to get better – the President laid out a series of proposals he's challenging a Republican Congress to pass and send to his desk.
One is encouraging “insourcing” of jobs – meaning giving tax breaks to companies that bring jobs back to America – while cutting off tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. That proposal didn’t draw any applause from the Republican side of the chamber, which seems to favor outsourcing American jobs as it makes more money for the big corporations that fund their Party.
The President also called for a minimum tax to be paid by multinational corporations – many of which have paid their CEOs more than they’ve paid in taxes over the last 3 years. Again, no Republican applause. He also called on these same corporations to ask themselves what it is they can do for their country. The Buffett Rule also made an appearance in last night’s speech – as the President pressed Congress to change that tax code to ensure that millionaires and billionaires like Mitt Romney don’t get by paying a lower tax rate than most middle class Americans. In fact – he called for a 30% minimum tax on millionaires – again, no applause from the Republican side, which prefers the status quo of massive wealth inequality and unfair taxation.
Republicans aside, though, it appears the President’s message resonated with the American people last night. A CBS poll of speech watchers found that 91% of Americans approved of the proposals put forward by the President – and 83% approved of the economic plans laid out – a jump from 53% before the speech. Now what will be interesting to watch is how much money is thrown at Republicans by Wall Street billionaires and transnational corporations to block all of these initiatives from the President.
(What do you think ? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... How to get a Republican to sit on his hands (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Need to Know: How to get a Republican to sit on his hands
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"We don't need no stinkin' Capitalist gains tax!"- David Selig, Conservative Commentator.
Daily Take: World economy on the brink of disaster?
Read Thom's Book for Free!
Now you can read all of Thom Hartmann's " Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became 'People' and How You Can Fight Back" for free online. Truthout is publishing weekly installments over the coming weeks. Read Chapter 27: Restoring Government, of, by, and for the People today.
The Daily Stack 
President Obama's 3rd State of the Union address...what did you think?
Hour Two: Nancy Pelosi has a secret... just what does she have on Newt Gingrich that could keep him from being president...?!
Hour Three: Best of the rest of the news
Coming up Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program
Plus, Geeky Science Rocks...is there a psychedelic cure for depression?!
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Thom's Poll
Will Millionaires ever pay a minimum tax rate of 30%?
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The Real State of the Union
Mitt's tax returns...you can run, but you can't hide
GPS decision...is it really a privacy victory?
Your Take/My Take - You've Got Hate Mail!
Crazy Alert: Wind Power, Solar Power &..Butter Power?
The Good, The Bad & The Very Very Nummamorously Ugly
Indiana...The "Right to Work for Less" State
Or watch the whole of The Big Picture show...
Full Show 1/24/12: Thom's State of the Union Address
Thom reflects on the legacy of the late Dr. Martin Luther King and his allegiance for protecting the rights of American union workers.
Thom Hartmann on the News - January 25, 2012
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