Thom's blog
Will you be Watching President Obama or the Packers Thursday?
Speaker of the House John Boehner made history yesterday. After President Obama requested a joint session of Congress to announce his new jobs plan next week – on September 7th – Boehner REJECTED the request - and instead suggested Americans should choose between watching the President or the opening day of the football season. According to the Senate historian – never in the history of this nation had Congress ever rejected a presidential request for a joint session of Congress. Never. And, by the way, never in this history of our nation has a president ever had to produce his birth certificate, either.
Never in history has a president been called a liar by a sitting Supreme Court Justice during a State of the Union address, or been heckled as a liar by a southern Congressman. In the end – President Obama gave in to Speaker Boehner’s demands (once again) and agreed to September 8th. So ultimately – yesterday turned out like every other day. It started with the president wanting to talk about jobs – the Republicans sabotaging that effort – and then President Obama caving in. So, we’ll all get to watch the debut of “Governor Good Hair” Rick Perry in the Republican debate, instead of hearing the President share his jobs ideas with Congress. And the following night, the President goes up against the Packers and the Saints.
While I'm rooting for the President, I'm guessing most Americans will be watching the Packers. At least that's the Republican plan.
(What are you going to do? Tell us here.)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... The Republican plan to create kill jobs (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Need to Know: The Republican plan to create kill jobs - Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty 
Screwed: Poor in Michigan? You're screwed! - David Selig, Conservative Commentator.
The Best of the Rest of the News...
Socialism...Rick Perry's Texas miracle? Dan Gainor, Business and Media Institute 
Iraq War: suffer the little children... Raed Jarrar, Iraqi-American blogger and political analyst 
Daily Take: Here's what UnAmerican really is!
Read Thom's Book for Free!
Now you can read all of Thom Hartmann's " Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became 'People' and How You Can Fight Back" for free online. Truthout is publishing weekly installments over the coming weeks. Read the Chapter 14: Unequal Protection from Risk today.
The Daily Stack 
Quote: "Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor." -- Thomas Jefferson.
Hour One: Corporate tax dodgers Phil Kerpen, Vice President/Policy - Americans for Prosperity 
Hour Two: D-O-J says N-O-T to AT&T Seton Motley, President - Less Government 
Geeky Science rocks! your genes?
Keystone XL pipeline...climate change-Irene a wake up call? Bill McKibben, 
Article: "" by .
Hour Three: Obama's War on the Secret Ballot Ken Blackwell, Save Our Secret Ballot 
Coming up Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program
Hour One: If it's Friday, it's "Brunch With Bernie"... the honorable Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will be here with all the news from our nation's capitol and as always he'll be spending the hour taking your calls and answering your questions too...
Plus, it's Anything Goes on Townhall Friday" with the Best of the Rest of the News and your calls right here on...
The Thom Hartmann Program... your media support group for we the people.
Thom's Poll
Will you be watching President Obama on jobs before a joint congress instead of the Packers Thursday night?
Watch & Listen to Thom
Hartmann: CEOs rewarded for tax dodging?
Hartmann: Police at Bill O'Reilly's beck and call - except for loofahs
Hartmann: Lone Liberal - Should Cheney go to Gitmo, The Hague or Book Tour?
Hartmann: D-O-J says N-O-T to A-T-&T
Hartmann: Nurses & Wall Street - What's the connection?
Hartmann: Republicans misread the 2010 election
Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show
Full Show - 8/31/11. CEO's rewarded for Tax Dodging
Thom rants about how the country's top 25 companies paid their CEO's more than federal income taxes. Later in the show in the "Lone Liberal" rumble, he debates John Boehner's request to President Obama to push back his jobs speech.
Thom Hartmann On The News - September 1st, 2011
Thom Hartmann - Historical Presidential Firsts
Thom Hartmann vs. Seton Motley - D-O-J says N-O-T to AT&T
Thom Hartmann vs. Phil Kerpen - Why reward CEO's for tax dodging?
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